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Warnings for next two chapters: Get ready to be unbearably angry and frustrated with me, definite angst


More than a year had passed since the day Aether reunited with Lumine. It was a bittersweet day to say the least. He was happy to see her again, however she had no intention of sticking along with him and the two were forced to part ways once again.

While he was there, he did have a chance to talk with her. A majority of the conversation was about the world of Teyvat and how after he finishes exploring the world for himself would they truly re-unite, however conversation went into a more sensitive topic.

When Aether had brought up (Y/N) and how they were the one to direct him to this location, Dainsleif broke out into a confused expression as if trying to remember why that name sounded familiar, while Lumine's eyes had widened in recognition before she showed him a small smile.

"I'm glad. Please, remain friends with them on my behalf." Was what Lumine had told him in response.

He didn't have the strength to tell her of their strained relationship and could only shake his head, saying how she could be their friend too if she returned with him.

Either way though, Aether couldn't fulfil that wish of his sisters as he would never see (Y/N) again.

Even when returning to Inazuma a few times where he assumed they would have fled to, he could never find them. It was as if they were wiped off the face of Teyvat. And that there was his biggest regret since meeting them, letting them say goodbye on that blazing beach.


Tonight, everyone in the Serenitea pot had collectively prepared dinner together. The kitchen was a complete disaster as the shared space was not big enough for all nine roommates to work in. They had to share the same materials and ingredients after all, so it was very unorganized and a lot of shouting pushed tasks forward.

It was still a fun experience, the ambience one of a found family that lived in a perfectly synchronized chaos filled harmony. Laughter filled the air as batter became smudged on cheeks and the more responsible ones scolded the playful ones for trying to start food fights even though the food wasn't even done yet.

Outside the window snow gently fell, piling up and blanketing the green with a fresh coat of white. The gardens were protected with covers and Aether had even created some greenhouses to store some of the items that were growing.

The kitchen smelled of all kinds of different foods and the window was cracked open to air out all the scents and bring in a small stream of cold air to combat the heat of all the fires.

There was not a gloomy face in sight, after all, they couldn't stay sad forever. At some point everyone had to move on.

And so they celebrated this special night with the bonding experience suggested by Jean.

Not all nations celebrated the holiday, however Christmas was a universal experience within the Serenitea pot. It was a holiday Aether used to celebrate with his sister in other worlds and he was happy to know it was celebrated here as well.

Everyone's dishes were quickly completed, those who were remaining being helped out by those who already finished. Spread across the table displayed numerous delicacies all crafted by the hands of each roommate, all things aligned in their individual tastes but made for everyone to share.

Paimon hovered in the air as chairs screeched against the floor from being pulled out of being tucked under the table, the small girl looking around with a proud smile and her hands planted on her hips.

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