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A rosy pink color tinted the ends of the sky, signaling the final phase of the setting sun. The moon rested high as it shone a cool and eerie glow upon the lands far and wide, a typical sign for those to get some rest, although most of Teyvat was ready to start their festivities.

This wasn't the case for a certain seven, who could not reciprocate the joy aspect of the night, but could definitely embrace the fright.

The room was silent, the only sounds being the agitating ticking of the clock along with the repeated thuds of someone's footsteps clicking against the ground as they paced around the room. Another was lightly drumming their fingers against the table while leaning their cheek into the palm of their hand, while the person across from them had their face fallen into their hands as they tried to gather their thoughts and keep themself together.

Everyone was taken out of their silence at the sound of a chair screeching, all eyes following the culprit of the sudden and loud disruption. They all laid their eyes upon Aether, who's face was one of anger as his eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his jaw to hold back his frustrations. He gripped the edge of the table with his hands and looked down at the hand crafted wood for a few prolonged seconds before his head shot up as he looked at everyone gathered in the room.

"We're going to save them." He suddenly declared, Paimon shooting up beside him with an equally furious look as she nodded her head in agreement.

Venti removed his face from his hands, his elbows resting on the table as he turned his head to look up at the duo, giving them a determined look to show he was in full agreement. He parted his lips and let his hands fall so they were no longer propped up, intending to voice his agreements, but he was cut off when a voice beside him spoke up first.

"Don't be hasty. It's probably fake. Who in their right mind would want to kidnap them?" Xiao mentioned while his eyes remained gently shut, his arms crossed over his chest as he sat comfortably in the chair with no visible worry.

Jean loudly sighed bringing the attention in the room over to her, two of her fingers cupping her chin as she lightly shook her head.

"We mustn't take this matter lightly. If in the end there were ill intentions for someone to have against (Y/N), they could be hurt. or worse." She mentioned while moving her hand to lightly massage her eyebrows, trying to ease her worries and avoid thinking of what could happen to them.

For the first time in a while, Venti had a serious look on his face and his eyes were slightly narrowed as he kept his worry hidden with a mature stance.

"I agree. I would much rather them be safe than us be sorry." He stated while nodding his head. The action made the braids on the sides of his head swing, the reminder that (Y/N) had braided them this morning making a sickening feeling pool in his stomach as he felt their weight shift. It only made him more worried, even when he desperately tried to remain calm.

Off to the side, Mona stared down at the table in deep concentration towards the letter before her, her vision glowing a lustrous blue with her jewelry as she activated a veil of hydro over the note to try and get some information.

"Let us not worry, I can assure you they're physically safe so far, but it would be in everyone's best interests if we looked for them." She said, making a few sounds of relief echo through the room knowing that they were still alright.

Albedo worriedly chewed at his bottom lip, though other than that small action, there was no visible worry on his features.

"Traveler, how about you look to see if there are any elemental traces?"


The group travelled out of the teapot and followed the light and airy trail of elemental traces left behind by (Y/N)'s presence, Aether taking the lead with immense focus making sure he can pick up on every little sign. The group had made their way to a rather small village within the Liyue region, life abundant and festivities in full throttle as children dressed up for Halloween and went from house to house asking for candy.

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