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Foaming at the mouth, (Y/N) laid down on the cot as they took a nap while the unbearably suffocating and hot air of the large tent smothered them. It smelled of death and it was ear-gratingly painful to be in since the only musical chorus they were greeted with were groans of pain.

Since they were so distracted and lost in their thoughts while staring dumbly at the wall earlier, the loud entrance of the resistance member into Gorou's tent had caught them off guard.

In their moment of flight or fight, they had squeezed on to what they were holding and pulled, and in Gorou's similar state of adrenaline fueled flight or fight, he chose fight.

That led to where (Y/N) was now, on that flattened uncomfortable cot as they rested and slept off the bite wounds from a 'feral' general of the resistance. The tent was shared by dozens of other injured people, and although it was reserved for members of the resistance, they had found themself intermingled with them without officially joining.

Everyone in here was uncaring that they weren't a member anyways— mostly because they were too delirious of the pain they were experiencing since this was the area where wounded individuals resided. If it puts into perspective how dire the peoples circumstances were to be in here, it wasn't exactly rare when lack of immediate medical treatment would result in a few deaths in this very same tent, a majority due to blood loss.

Luckily enough, today wouldn't be a day where any injured member would succumb to a painful demise.

The dimly lantern-lit tent glowed a vibrant and iridescent blue and white, the sound of water sloshing around bringing relief and seizing any anxious worries in the room. A creature made purely of water pulled its limbs towards itself while its rounded head bent forward, pushing itself to move just above a heavily injured man.

The woman who was controlling this being narrowed her eyes as she watched it send out a pulse of warmth and vitality, healing not only the man it intended but the one who he was laying back to back with which made them both make noises of relief.

The man, whose leg was nearly severed off and was only hanging by bare minimal fibers of his flesh, let a sob escape his throat as tears clouded his eyes and looked up at the otherworldly woman above him— one he felt only respect and admiration towards.

"Thank you so much, you're a goddess!" He said through a shaky breath as his lip wobbled, the chains of pain being released from him an overwhelming sensation that he was undoubtedly grateful for. He wasn't sure how much longer he would have been able to hang on, and surely if she hadn't arrived, he would have done himself in if the growing infection the wound harbored didn't already.

Sangonomiya Kokomi stood up from her crouched position as the water entity exploded in a burst of healing as it completed the full procedure, a firm nod of her head being sent towards the man's direction as she scanned him over to double check he was alright.

"It is no problem, rest up and replenish your energy. You've done well." Resounded her soft yet powerful voice throughout the tent as she looked at the man with reciprocated respect, understanding how he got it in these circumstances in the first place.

Not just everyone was willing to put their lives on the front line in defiance towards a tyrannical god, and she respected each and everyone who was willing to stand alongside her.

"Will do!"

He was the last of the major injuries and open wounds which prompted her to approach the area of the tent that harbored those with minor cuts, strains, and non-lethal fractures.

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