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Teyvat was truly a gorgeous world.

The way the water reflected the bright white of the stars was mesmerizing, the distorted image of the moon making the water below look faux. The water itself was still, but below the surface laid many dangerous creatures of unknown origin and undiscovered species that ranged from docile to deadly.

All items in itself had its bad aspect-- it is arguable there is not a single truly 'pure' thing in this world. This is in regards to not only the geographical features, but the people and creatures that inhabit it as well. As cute and innocent as a cat may look to be, they still thirst for blood of small rodents and will take life away without any mercy, for that is the only way to survive in such a competitive environment.

The ocean itself seemed boundless, (Y/N) wondering just how the navigator of the ship knew exactly where to go when there were no distinctive landmarks in sight. Huixing argued that the stars were plenty of a guide for her to follow along with the way the winds direction blew, but (Y/N) would beg to differ and said it was all the same in their eyes. 

"Can't sleep?"

The sudden voice caused (Y/N) to jump, their cheek that rested in their palm retracting and their arm slipping off from the rail they were leaning on.

"JEEZ!" (Y/N) exclaimed, quick to turn and look at the culprit who had seemed to spawn out of nowhere. 

He was sure his footsteps were rather noisy and could be heard, but it seems (Y/N) was too lost wandering within their internal thoughts.

"Ah, hey Kazuha." They greeted, their racing heart slowing down upon seeing the familiar face. 

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, an apologetic look crossing his face as he observed their body language.

"Greetings (Y/N), sorry for startling you."

The apology really wasn't needed but (Y/N) appreciated it nonetheless.

"Don't worry about it."

Kazuha looked over to the scene they were so distracted with, observing the way the dark water looked as if glitter had been dunked into it and how it looked rather shallow on the surface, though he knew it was far from it. The crackling of thunder could be heard in the distance, but luckily it wasn't close enough that it would strike the boat-- otherwise the navigator would have directed the ship towards a different route.

His pocket felt especially heavy upon hearing the nostalgic noise-- that nostalgia being a mix of good and bad memories. The masterless vision was carried on his person at all times now that Aether had won the competition and denied keeping it (After saving it from a thief that didn't happen to be (Y/N)).

He let a small smile upturn his lips to still any thoughts that would create a silence between the two, his intention for approaching (Y/N) in order to make conversation after all.

"Tonight is rather pretty, don't you think?" He questioned, moving closer to the railing  and setting his hand on the wood, dragging it across and appreciating the sturdiness of the boat that was a complete contrast to the one he had initially fled Inazuma on.

(Y/N) snapped out of their thoughts upon hearing the soft spoken boy talk, blinking repeatedly while nodding their head and shifting around uncomfortably. 

"Oh, yeah. I guess."

Kazuha sent them a concerned glance, picking up on their choice of words along with their out of character actions.

"You seem... clouded. Would you like to talk about it?"

Right away he noticed the way (Y/N) tensed up and seemed completely hesitant, even turning to glance over their shoulder to what Kazuha presumed was them checking to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

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