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As an instinct of being severely outnumbered, (Y/N) ran and ran until they could feel their legs burn and cry out for a break from overexertion, not having to use those muscles for such a prolonged period in such a long time.

They placed the palms of their hands just above their knees as they bowed their head downward, panting openly and loudly as they tried to bring back as much oxygen into their lungs as possible while desperately trying to slow down the fast pace of their heart.

Finding it would just be far more relaxing to be laying down, they let their body go limp and hit the ground as they felt the ticklish bristle of grass brush against their cheek while ignoring how dangerously close they were to a Hilichurl camp. It wouldn't be the first time they went into one without their consent, and they certainly wouldn't make it their last.

The group of Hilichurls however were also wiped out and on the ground, though quite literally and not from exhaustion. It looked like someone had recently attacked them but didn't bother to finish them off, since they would be gone in a heap of flashy glitter, only leaving them to suffer and bleed out while regaining their strength little by little however long that may take.

"Hey, there wasn't a person there just now, was there?"

Ducking out of one of the Hilichurl's small wooden homes, two men walked out while the one following carried a crate, the one in the lead being who spoke.

(Y/N) looked up towards them, tears welling up in the corner of their eyes as they thought it was the Tenryou commission once again, only for the tears to flow as they realized the red and white uniforms were apart of something far more convenient to them.

"HEY, YOU'VE GOTTA HELP ME!" They lifted their face further up from the ground and reached out a weak hand in their direction, the action making it look as if they were beat up by someone or something and were left here to die.

The pairs eye's widened as they began to rush over, the first one with his weapon in hand while the other continued to hold onto the good sized crate that he had no struggle with holding.

"HUH—?! What, are you okay?!" The man shouted as he warily scanned the area for any enemies, but when he didn't see any he tossed his weapon down on the floor and bent his knees to crouch down in front of them to check them over for any wounds.

(Y/N), in a mess of sweat and tears lurched forward so they could grip tightly onto the pants of the mans uniform, leaning all their weight in the grip making him hurriedly hold up the waist band so his pants wouldn't fall down and expose his undergarments.


The dark haired man sweat dropped as he struggled to pry the sobbing stranger off from him, his companion looking on in confusion as he ignored the silent begging for assistance.

"Hey wait Teppei, isn't that the person from the wanted poster we were looking at earlier?" The man with the crate remarked.

His companion's eyes flew open as the realization hit him that in front of him was the violent protester who took down a whole small army of Tenryou commission soldiers on their own in order to escape prison in a defiant effort to send a message that the decrees were meaningless to them. Yeah, the further word spread, the more dramatic the story got.

Grip slacking off from Teppei's pants, (Y/N)'s attention immediately flew over towards his companion with a complete change of demeanor as their tears dried up instantaneously.

"That poster looks nothing like me, dumbass." (Y/N) spat angrily, glaring at the two who looked back and forth from one another and back to them, who continued to sit on the floor but still maintained a sour look towards the men despite their position.

The man who was holding the crate never let his expression shift as he nonchalantly said,

"We should leave them."

Teppei was quick to nod and agree as he stood up from his crouched position and dusted off his pants, his worried expression turning stone faced as the prospect of being called a dumbass by someone they were going out of their way to save wasn't the best feeling.

"Yeah, now that they mention it they look more like one of those Hilichurls. Perhaps we mistook them for a blubbering human." He remarked, snorting lightly to himself at his own joke making his friend reciprocate the gesture while looking away.

Seeing an opportunity that they didn't want to admit to but were being forced to, (Y/N) rapidly shook their head and grit their teeth as they whipped out the wanted poster they took from Yoimiya from their pocket and unfolded it before holding it up beside their face.

"No! It's most definitely me, I'm a vile and merciless and treacherous Tenryou slayer!" They exclaimed while flaunting the wanted poster, shaking it violently as it crinkled against their hold with the wind's combined efforts.

The two men looked at one another, a silent conversation playing as they debated what to do, but ultimately they decided that if they were truly the person in the wanted poster, this was not an opportunity to pass up on.

Nodding his head, Teppei stepped forward before giving a welcoming smile, completely contradicting his jesting tone from when he called them a Hilichurl just moments before. He outstretched his hand for (Y/N) to take, to which they did so without hesitation, before hauling them up and letting go.

"That's great! Then you can come with us, we'll bring you to the people who will be able to help you out the most."

The man who never once let go of the crate, having no difficulty holding it despite its size as it held the materials the camp they raided provided, nodded his head in agreement as he too sent a small smile.

"Yeah, we'll ensure your safety."

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