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Warnings : Death, blood, Angst, Demented tendencies, su1c1de, very dark themes

——————Flashback Chapter, Synopsis at end——————

Rex Lapis regrets many things.

His biggest regret however, was loving his child before they were even born.

Since he at one point cared immensely for his child and was always anticipating their arrival, he looked too far into the future and made a contract that would bind not only his fate and their own, but everyone in Liyue's all together.

He would never have imagined they would deteriorate into such a state. He had listened to civilians cries of missing loved ones and took note of dozens of posted commissions listed that begged for any information on their whereabouts. Never once did he suspect that it was (Y/N)'s doing.

That was until he came across them on his search for this strange abductor taking away innocent people from their families. It was obvious they were going through mental torment through all that time spent alone when the only thing they could trust in was their strength.

And that trust in their strength along with losing themself in their own thoughts led them to having this deranged mentality. One that made them begin to hate weak people and mortality as a whole as they devised a plan to cure the world of weakness.

Perhaps a little part of them even resented their mother at some point for how weak she was, but they still needed her back. They just wanted to hug her and feel warmth once again. They wanted everything to return to how it used to be, and knowing their power could potentially grant that, they would go to any lengths for their vision to succeed.

Looking back to when Rex Lapis had come to find the person who was abducting innocent people around Liyue, he had only found it was (Y/N) once he stumbled upon their domain.

As he had entered, his breath caught in his throat when walking into the main area.

"This is..."

Suspended by chains and encased in a giant amber rested the woman he had loved and lost, one he thought was buried back in Guili Plains, but was resting in front of him now. He knew that ability from anywhere— after all, he trained (Y/N) to be able to use it to its fullest potential and knew just what they were capable of with their vision.

Their power was displayed in front of him, and it was overwhelming. They were too strong and too mentally unstable for their own good.

Hearing footsteps, he had turned and saw (Y/N) enter into the main room from another room, a bundle of flowers in their hands falling to the ground and breaking some petals off from the impact.

The soft white petals slid across the ground, some flying up in the air from the impact and swaying side to side before they hit the ground with the others.

(Y/N) glared. "What're you doing here?"

Rex Lapis let his shaky eyes travel to them and back over to his deceased lover, his expression quickly turning from one of surprise to one of burning anger. He was furious when he began piecing everything together— the blood tainting the alter no doubt belonging to those who had gone missing. But most of all, he was being tortured by seeing her suspended up there, unable to rest peacefully in her grave because of (Y/N)'s attachment.

"No, that's not the question that should be asked! What're you thinking (Y/N)?!"

Never once did he yell or raise their voice at them, never once were they disciplined by him, so this alternative made them like being ignored far more.

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