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Okay so as you may have noticed it's been a while since I last updated... well this chapter is lengthier than I thought it would be (my normal chapter are around 2-3k words while this is over 9k words). You Diluc lovers are spoiled fr so eat up losers <3

This will be different from my usual approach of chapters and this will more than likely be a one time thing.

WARNING: A bit of OOC Diluc and Y/N (According to how they've been written so far), lots of juicy details, and perhaps a few suggestive moments. (Feel free to skip if you're uncomfortable with any of that, this chapter is not important to the main plot!) 


Within the teapot, dinner was well renown for it being the best part of everyone's day. It was a moment when all of the roommates that were available came together and enjoyed a meal while conversing with one another about whatever matter arose. 

It was held in high regard in Aether and Paimon's eyes as well, even establishing a rule that dinner must be prepared by each individual roommates on different days according to a schedule they had made up. 

The two were never aware about (Y/N)'s immense lack of skill in the kitchen, and (Y/N), wanting to pull their weight around here, never brought the topic up and decided they would just do their best when it was their time to be responsible for dinner.

And that time was now.

(Y/N) stood in the kitchen with a tall cooking hat placed on their head and a pink frilly apron protecting their clothes, staring inquisitively at the sight before them. Just as Jean had suggested, they had prepared everything before hand instead of running around to get things one by one, hence the scattered and quite unorganized array of ingredients on top of the counter.

Their hands were placed on their hips as they contemplated something, deep in thought as they scanned the items atop the counter. Their hands fell to their sides as a satisfied hum had left their lips, taking one step after another forward so they could get closer to the ingredients. Just beside the food sat a torn slip of paper, something (Y/N) held in high regard because they had bargained with Sara at the good hunter to sell them her recipes.

"I feel like I'm missing something..." (Y/N) mumbled out loud to themself as they grabbed the paper between two of their fingers and lifted it up to their face to get a closer look. Their face scrunched up in concentration as they scanned the preparation list, and as they went down the page, they would occasionally look up to check if the corresponding items were there.

They ended up just shrugging their shoulders and lightly rolling their eyes as they stopped halfway through reading it, mumbling out their nonchalance.

"Eh, whatever it should be fine."

(Y/N) folded the paper and slid it into the apron's pocket before getting to work, confident that they would prepare a proper feast that everyone would enjoy.



(Y/N)'s face turned an unusual tint of green as they stumbled through the kitchen looking for a napkin, their eyes watery and vision blurry. Once they had grabbed a napkin, they began to spit out the contents in their mouth into it, gagging as they still had the taste lingering on their tongue and the roof of their mouth.

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