❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝙺𝚕𝚎𝚎

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The way (Y/N)'s face was scrunched up in anger made it clear to anyone who saw it that they were incredibly irritated, however, the moment they stepped into Jean's office and saw Klee, all signs of their annoyance had immediately vanished. It wasn't like they were having a bad day or anything, in fact they were very excited for what was to come.

It was just the knights of Favonius that were guarding outside the large building kept interrogating them like they were some criminal and refused to let them in because they had deemed (Y/N) to be suspicious.

(Y/N)'s loud arguing and vulgar words had been heard by a passing knight who was quick to diffuse the situation and explain to the knights that there was no malicious intent for them being here. Having the situation calmed down, (Y/N) was able to much more civilly explain that they were here to pick up Klee by permission of the acting grand master herself.

Upon hearing their superior's name fall from their lips, the knights paled and were quick to apologize before letting them through with no more trouble.

They gave their thanks to Noelle, which (Y/N) soon recognized that she was a friend that they had made at the Halloween party a while back, but they couldn't talk for long or catch up since she seemed to be rather busy.

After exchanging a sweet smile and giving their thanks to Noelle, who seriously seemed unbothered by the interruption, the two had went their separate ways.

Currently, (Y/N) stood in Jean's office where they were told they would be picking Klee up, said girl excitedly bouncing around (Y/N) with stars in her eyes.

Whenever (Y/N) would be around Klee or any of the younger children they self-proclaimed to have adopted, their voice would seem to turn up to a higher pitch and they put tons of emphasis and excitement in everything they said in order to in turn make them excited and happy. Klee was already excited just by seeing (Y/N), and the large smile that stretched her face was clear indication of that. It made (Y/N) smile as well, the duos combined excitement making a flowery aura form around them.

They chuckled lightly at seeing the amount of energy Klee has as she happily jumped around and rambled about how much they missed their older sibling. (Y/N) doesn't know when Klee started calling them their older sibling, but they didn't mind in the slightest— in fact their face scrunched up into a sour look from how sweetly adorable it was.

"Heh~! Are you excited to hang out with me today, the most awesome-est and coolest babysitter ever, Klee?" (Y/N) questioned as they bent down to make eye contact with Klee, the two sharing the same excited sparkle in their eyes.

Klee was ecstatic to know what they have planned today while (Y/N) already knew what they were going to do— they were just thrilled to hang out with Klee because there was never a dull moment when they babysit her.

It wasn't even tedious babysitting to them as one would normally think of the job without pay, but anyone could tell (Y/N) didn't mind because they always volunteered whenever someone was needed to babysit the young girl. Little did anyone know that (Y/N) saw the potential for Klee to be a replica of them, day by day teaching her to become one of the biggest troublemakers and threats in Mondstadt along with (Y/N).

Klee clutched her two small fists against her chest and began nodding repeatedly, steam coming out of her nose as she immediately gave her answer.

"YES! Oh oh oh! There's so many things we have to do, I'm sooooooo glad you're the one playing with me today!" Klee excitedly rambled as she quickly talked, though (Y/N) could understand what she said perfectly because they would talk in a similar manner when excited or nervous.

"Of course! Hey, there's this cute bakery with fluffy animal breads that just opened up, how about we go and try some?" They suggested upon remembering a few days back how there were flyers being passed out about this new place opening. Unfortunately they weren't able to snag one of those flier, but it would still be cool to check it out and they were sure Klee would like to go to a bakery.

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