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"Get in there chump!"

The man placed his hand against the fabric of (Y/N)'s clothing before extending his hand outward to give them a harsh push. Stumbling forward, they hopped from one foot to another before they lost their balance and hit the ground hard, the thud reverberating throughout the jail just as the metal of the door locking clanked loudly.

"GAH-- WHY, WHAT DID I EVEN DO?!" (Y/N) questioned angrily, a fierce glare being sent to the man who inserted the key into the hole of the cell before turning it until a 'click' was heard.

He ignored their expression of rage and hostile intent to instead ponder something to himself that he had been wondering for some time now.

"Really, how did you get this far into Inazuma with the Sakoku Decree in place? And with no travel permits no less." He asked as his eyebrows scrunched together towards his nose as he recalled the layout of the island— unable to find a way they could have snuck in without being arrested already and yet had made it as far as they did.

When all he received was illegible mumbling, he sighed before shaking his head and attaching his keys to his belt, making the metal chime from the hitting against one another with the motion.

(Y/N) refused to look up and make eye contact, staring at the ground as they pulled one of their legs close to their chest and rubbed their knee soothingly to try and make the stinging sensation die down-- a result of being shoved into the cell when they were unprepared for the act of violence.

The guard glanced behind him to the cell across from (Y/N)'s and realized it may have been a mistake to put them there, but the person across seemed to be quiet at the moment and was just staring mockingly. They always had that look though so he thought nothing of it before turning back to the cell where (Y/N) had somehow got close to the bars without him realizing as they put their hand through to try and grab his keys off from his belt.

Slapping their hand away quickly, the man took a few steps back before glaring at the prisoner and shaking his head disapprovingly, already noting to let his superior know about their sticky fingers since he didn't even hear them get close to the bars while he was distracted.

"Behave yourself, we wouldn't want a simple arrest to delve into something further." He scolded before walking off and mumbling about needing a drink.

Silently, all the prisoners watched as the man walked over towards the door after nodding towards the current guard on duty and opened it up, causing the hinges to creak loudly before he stepped through and disappeared.

As the door slammed shut loudly to signify he was gone, motion directly across from (Y/N)'s cell caused them to look up to see who their cell companions were. What they were met with was an overzealous and cocky looking man with long white hair and red tattoos staring them down like prey.

He grinned when the two made eye contact, red clashing with (E/C) and never backing down as they had a really intense staring contest, hoping to see the other submit first. Upon recognizing his eyes were beginning to sting, Itto immediately resorted to using his words to catch them off guard.

"Eh?? What type of Idiot gets themself arrested for flaunting their vision! It's like you were asking to be put behind bars!" He mocked while placing a hand in front of the lower half of his face to hide his toothy grin before cackling and stretching out his legs against the ground.

While the other prisoners were either on their cots or slouching in the one chair they were given in each cell, these two decided the floor was much more comfy as they continued to glare at one another.

"That's the same reason you're in here." Someone had grumbled, though it went ignored.

(Y/N) felt their irritation skyrocket, this person now rising the ranks of the 'most punch-able' by their standards to sit prettily besides Kaeya.

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