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"And this is where we alllll eat, though not everyone is always here to eat together!" Paimon said as she floated above the dining room table and spread her arms out wide, nearly bumping into the chandelier without noticing. 

The room was lavishly decorated, the crystals on the chandelier making pretty patterns as it lit up the whole room.

"Holy crap this is like... I don't know, It's HUGE! Aether, how did you get all of this?! It's amazing!" (Y/N) asked in awe as they pulled out one of the seats and tested it, deeming it comfortable before dragging their finger along the top of the table.

"Aether made everything himself!" Paimon said proudly with a smug expression as she moved to float besides Aether, the boy rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly from the compliment from (Y/N) and praise from Paimon.

"Aghh! I'm blessed with such talented friends, and I'm left with nothing!" (Y/N) gushed as they stood up from the seat they had tested and pushed it back into place. They glanced at all of the intricate designs everywhere from the formal dining table cloths to the elegant lit up candles placed in the middle, astonished by the pretty impressive interior design since it all flowed so nicely.

"That's not true! You have a talent for being a lucky klutz, Paimon's personally never seen someone live through so many life threatening situations!" Paimon tried to compliment, though that really wasn't something to be proud of. Although, (Y/N) did have a knack of finding any way a human can be killed and miraculously surviving it.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me..." Paimon trailed off as she put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes, gauging the confused expression (Y/N) had adorned upon hearing Paimon trail off and not continue.

"Paimon's noticed something odd about you, (Y/N)." She puffed out her cheeks while taking one hand off from her hips and putting it to her face in a thinking expression, nodding her head and humming a 'yes.' Aether was curious to know what Paimon had noticed and urged her to reveal it, (Y/N) raising their eyebrow as they wanted to know as well.

"Why is it that you were sobbing like a baby before thinking that you were going to die--" Paimon brought up from earlier events with Hu Tao, even though she was sobbing too. "--But whenever we find you in the wilderness and you're about to die, you're so casual about it, huh?!" Paimon accused to which Aether put on an impressed expression at Paimon noticing such a thing, as when he thought about it she was absolutely correct.

He looked over at (Y/N) to see what they had to say about it, but they just blinked repeatedly and then looked back at Aether.

"Eh? Really?? Aether, is that true???" They asked while scratching their cheek lightly with their pointer finger, a sweat-drop forming at their forehead. 

"Now that you mention it, Paimon..." Aether trailed off while he nodded his head in confirmation, assuring Paimon that she wasn't just thinking things. They tended to act casual and even make jokes mere moments before their death, and when Aether would arrive to save them, only then it was like reality set on them and they would panic.

They both stared at (Y/N) with raised eyebrows as if they expected them to reveal some super secret power they had or reveal that they were truly not defenseless like the façade the two believed them to have. They watched as (Y/N) raised both of their hands in defense while rapidly shaking their head back and forth in a denying motion.

"I really don't know what you're talking about! Dying is totally scary, and I'm just a defenseless traveler that has come way too close to experiencing it way too many times!" (Y/N) defended, not to mention quite suspiciously in Aether's eyes, but he chose to leave it at that. Paimon just shrugged her shoulders and dropped the subject, though not before sliding in an insult, quickly deciding they should move on to explore the rest of the house.

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