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"Later on we're going to tally who will win an award for best costume! Make sure to submit your votes before we count them up later on." Hu Tao announced as she held up a large box with the word 'Tally' scribbled on the front of it. She then placed down that box atop one of the empty crates, allowing for people to cast their votes on their own time.

"Moving on... Qiqi, Sayu, Diona, Klee, c'mere!" (Y/N) demanded as they called over the children that were huddled together, the four looking at one another in confusion.

The girls who were already at the front of the crowd walked up to (Y/N), who gave them a grin of assurance that they shouldn't be wary of anything, although it kind of looked like a sinisterly old guy trying to lure in children with candy.

"Eh?" Diona confusingly mumbled as she raised an eyebrow, (Y/N) handing her something to which she inspected it all over for anything suspicious.

"Here, each of you get one of these."

(Y/N) continued to hand out the objects that sat stacked in one another, pulling them apart as they gave one to each of the kids.

"Baskets? What're they for?" Sayu questioned as she carefully held the basket within her hands, looking over at Qiqi with a tilt of her head who only had the basket sit atop her head since (Y/N) had placed it there.

Hu Tao was quick to interject into the conversation, sauntering over with her hands folded delicately behind her back.

"Trick or treating! Although, since we can't knock on doors, we decided to hide the candy!" Hu Tao revealed, gesturing her hands out widely to show the whole area secretly had candy hidden around.

"Woah~!" Klee exclaimed in amazement as her eyes glittered in excitement as she scanned around rapidly to catch a glimpse of this hidden candy. Apparently, the candy was really well hidden, because by her bare eye alone she couldn't see a single wrapper. This was no Easter egg hunt it seems.

"Mhm! And the team who gets the most candy gets a biiiig hug from (Y/N)!" Hu Tao offered, although (Y/N) was unaware of this so their head snapped over to her and gave a confused look. She simply waved her hand in dismissal at them and mouthed to 'go along with it', (Y/N) doing so with little care as they shrugged and nodded their head.

"Why would I want that? Bleh." Diona snickered as she stuck her tongue out and side eyed (Y/N) to see their reaction.

(Y/N) froze up and felt their eyebrow twitch in irritation, Diona knowing every point that would effect their ego, the denial of their phenomenal hugs being one of them. She had thought that she annoyed (Y/N) perfectly well, but only felt dread when their annoyance turned into a smug expression as an idea popped into their head.

"...If you lose I'm hugging you." (Y/N) declared as they pointed their nose in the air and chuckled menacingly.

Diona paled and swallowed thickly at the revelation, looking over to Hu Tao and giving a defeated sigh in response.

"...Who's my partner?" Diona questioned, (Y/N) feeling bummed out that actually worked while Hu Tao gave an amused chuckle.

"Heh! Glad you asked."

Hu Tao looked around while holding a finger to her chin, glancing over at people who curiously waited to see if they would be put into one of the teams.

"Hmm..." She hummed, having trouble figuring out who to put with who that will make the teams even. Internally deciding that wouldn't be as fun, she arrived to a different conclusion.

"Okay, I've decided to allow you to choose your teams! I'll give you a few minutes to prepare yourselves."


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