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Sitting atop the crate with one leg propped up while the other hung off the side, the man who's hair was hidden behind a red bandana swished around a bottle of liquid, the sloshing of it hitting the sides of the container tempting him to take a sip. He pressed the edge of the bottle to his lips and threw his head back, gulping down a large amount and savoring the scorching feeling of the liquid sliding down his tongue and burning his throat. With a desperate gasp for air, he popped it out of his mouth and wiped at his mouth using the back of his leather gloved hand.

"Ahh~! Keep swabbing that deck rookie, maybe we will keep you around!" He said while ending the sentence with a small bubbly chuckle, finding joy in watching the newcomer do his job.

(Y/N)'s fingers gripped around the wood tightly making their knuckles drain of some of their natural color, a visible tick mark forming at their forehead.

"Don't be surprised to find there won't be enough supper for you later, Xu Liushi." (Y/N) angrily muttered as they gripped harder onto the mop and continued to clean the deck, their pirate rival watching without a care in the world and only grinning wider at their words.

That grin was quickly swiped off from his face as he lurched forward from having the back of his head come in contact with the palm of someone's hand.

"Idiot, don't go teasing them! How about you go do something useful?!"

The girl scolded while throwing her braided hair off from her shoulder, her eyes narrowed in irritation and her arms crossing over her chest to emphasize her displeasure.

After some reluctant grumbling, Xu Liushi screwed the cork back into the bottle haphazardly and placed it besides the crate to come back to it later, opting to go sort the boxes in the cabin or something rather than being scolded by his fellow sailor.

She sighed and shook her head before looking over at (Y/N), who sent her a sparkly eyed look to counter her apologetic looking one.

"Sorry about that (Y/N)." She said while reaching down to grab the bottle of liquor to store it away properly.

(Y/N) grinned, glad that she was here because this navigator was well respected and put everyone in line along with Beidou and Kazuha, so her assisting them with shooing away their pirate rival was just a trivial matter.

"Huixing, thanks for that! You're the coolest!"

Huixing smiled, flattered at their compliment before she gave them a look of pity upon noticing the wooden bucket filled with soapy water and the ragged mop in their hand.

"Captain's got you cleaning around, huh? It's usually Xu Liushi's job, so he's just satisfied to see someone else do it for once." She reassured, intending to diffuse the growing tensions between the two, but that would never happen with (Y/N). In fact, they never intended on forgetting all of his insults and would pay him back somehow, they were just still plotting their method.

"No wonder he looked so mocking. I'm still taking his dinner for that though. And far more because he's been here all morning." (Y/N) informed her, as if letting her know in advance would prevent any later punishment. Surprisingly Huixing only shrugged, she even went as far as to give the go ahead and said that she would support their actions because she could really care less as long as it wasn't her own food.

Huixing, suddenly recalling a small detail, slammed her closed fist against her palm as she thought back on the reason she was over here on the main deck in the first place.

"Oh, Right! Captain Beidou actually wanted to see you regarding that topic." She mentioned, (Y/N)'s scheming reminding her the moment they mentioned 'dinner'.

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