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"Meh, Paimon thinks Absentminded Adventurer here won't get along with anyone. They have too much of an un-likable personality. They'll be back to the wilderness in no time!" Paimon teased with a smug look on her face, Aether shaking his head in disappointment as he stood in between the two troublemakers.

"For having a halo, you're just a flying little devil..." (Y/N) said through gritted teeth, a tic mark forming at the side of their head in annoyance. They reached over Aether as the three walked on the flowy grass, grabbing at the floating girl who just stuck her tongue out with her hands on her hips and dodged all of the grabs (Y/N) threw at her.

Aether pushed (Y/N)'s hands away with one of his hands while swatting at Paimon to get her to stop, holding back a small smile at the admittedly funny teasing. He would have let them continue, but they had just entered the teapot and he thought it would be better for (Y/N) to make a good first impression on anyone that was currently there.

"Eh? But Aetherrrrr! She started it this time!" (Y/N) complained, but complied with backing down, their hands moving back to their sides as they continued to walk with a pout.

"Pft." Paimon's hand flew to her face as she hid back a snort behind her hand. She desperately looked away, her lips pursing as she tried not to burst out laughing at how easy it was to annoy them.

"I heard that, what's so funny, huh?!" (Y/N) snapped as their eyes narrowed at Paimon, scrutinizing to see any indications of a laugh coming from her. Paimon's cheeks puffed up as she shook her head in a 'no' motion, but the intensity of (Y/N)'s stare sent her over the edge as she doubled over and burst out laughing. 

"PFFT-HAHAHAHA!" Paimon laughed while pointing a finger at (Y/N)'s sour expression. Her high-pitched laughter alerted a certain teapot spirit as it perked up at the sound, which was followed by screams of terror. 

The blue finch with stripes of orange and white around her beak made a noise of joy, glad to welcome the owner of the teapot home as well as the new companion he had mentioned he was bringing. The tea lid that laid atop her head rattled around as she turned in their direction from her place outside the manor, her eyes closing as she sent them a large smile even if they hadn't acknowledged her presence yet.

An audible gasp made Paimon stop laughing as (Y/N) stared straight at the finch with sparkles shining in their eyes.

"AETHERRRR! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD A PUPPY?!" (Y/N) had yelled upon noticing the creature, excitement evident in their voice as they dashed over. Aether futilely had outstretched a hand to stop them, but their speed was far too great for Aether to comprehend as they dashed over to the 'puppy' and affectionately rubbed its fur.

They cooed and gushed over how cute it was, Paimon snickering as she flew besides Aether who simply walked over, already offering to give his warning before, but they didn't listen so he figured they could find out for themself. (Y/N) smiled brightly as they pet the finch's soft fur, an exaggerated grin coming to their face as they made a stupid expression and coddled the creature, praising its every action.

Tubby appreciated the sentiment and let them indulge in touching her fur, a small smile coming to her face at the affection as her eyes shut lightly. After a few seconds of (Y/N) repeating those same actions, Tubby thought it was time to introduce herself.

"Hello, I am not a puppy, but rather a Teapot spirit. I suppose you could call me Tubby!" She said while her beak seemingly curled into a smile, figuring this foreign person was the new addition to the teapot that Aether had been looking for. Tubby thought this person was very sweet and approachable as they made no hesitation with being close with the spirit normal people don't see everyday. 

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