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Warning: Heavy mentions of death

Salty water splashed against (Y/N)'s ankles as they walked along the land, the ocean quickly swallowing up the liquid as it retreated into its huge body only to return with a rippling wave and hit their ankles once again. The cool feeling was welcomed as they held their shoes (and socks if applicable) from getting soaked since it did the bare minimum of cooling them down.

The sound of local birds chirping along with the singing of the waves hitting the shore eased them into a tranquil state of mind, occasionally shutting their eyes as they walked. The silence from enjoying the scenery that came along with being by themself was not foreign, but it would be much more enjoyable if they had a companion to share it with.

Sighing dreamily as they stared at the gorgeous views and took the time to appreciate it as they traveled, they felt another wave of water hit their ankles and felt shrimp swim past their feet as they tried to defy the gravitational pull of the waves.

'Inazuma is spectacular, the views truly are one of a kind.'

For the first time in a while, (Y/N) allowed themself to become deeply distracted and get lost within their thoughts.

Pulling out a slip of paper from their pocket and holding it with utmost care so as to not drop it and get it soaked within the water, they stared solemnly at it for a long time as they continued to walk. It was a picture taken by an automatic Kamera from Halloween night, (Y/N) stumbling into a crowd of people that all held mixed expressions of terror and amusement.

In this moment, the thought that raised often sprang up as they pondered if it were possible for them to be reborn.

Would they share the memories of their current self and re-meet their friends under different circumstances and appearance?

Or perhaps they would never meet and they wouldn't even remember any of them in the first place. But maybe then, if it were at all possible to retain former memories, they could stay with everyone for as long as they wanted since this life was already impure and tainted.

A sickening feeling pooled at their stomach as the reminder settled in that they once again ruined everything— just as they did nearly a thousand years ago.

They destroyed a friend group then and they destroyed one now, and no matter how much they thought about trying to attempt this re-birth, they wanted to live. Desperately so. They wanted not only to sustain their life but live it out with others even as fleeting mortal lives past them and they grew all the more miserable and angry at not only others, but their own incompetence.

And yet the good-natured motivation they had for the extinction of mortality, piled amongst other motivations, was what got them into their predicament in the first place. A motivation only a few seemed to know of nowadays, but it was a past that simply couldn't be buried, mostly thanks to those they once held dear.

It wasn't fair. What was so wrong about wanting to share the immortality they were burdened to have with everyone else? It was painful and grueling— the repeated process of getting close to someone they held dear, learning every little thing about them, growing to love them, only to have to be forced to watch them leave either through revolting feelings or inevitable death.

The worst part about it was that they were unable to do anything but watch from the sidelines. And to top it off, since their perception of time was unique compared to others, the time spent with mortals felt fast-forwarded knowing their years of living were so few compared to their own.

All those people they spent days together within Mondstadt and in the Serenitea pot would die, it would without a doubt come to be since their ambition would always be intercepted no matter how much they desperately wanted for it to succeed.

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