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As Kazuha, (Y/N), Aether, and Paimon were in their own bubble concerning the travelers recognizing (Y/N), none of them realized that the man who had dropped the crate he was carrying earlier was heading in their direction. The moment he noticed (Y/N) was untied, his festering irritation upon hearing their shouts earlier only increased seeing as they were no longer bound by the holds that restrained them.

He glared over at the two boys hovering over them and at the small girl floating besides them who was stubbornly wiping away tears, though he was uncaring to discern the situation and instead clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and pointed at them accusingly even though they weren't facing him.


The group were all startled by his loud voice and some of the sailors continued to stare at the scene and whisper with one another, curious as to what was going on as well. Others, not willing to be scolded by Beidou for slacking off, went straight back to work upon noticing Kazuha was there and assumed he had everything under control.

"Ah, that would be us." Kazuha nonchalantly answered, understanding where he was coming from but not really caring all that much about what they did anymore since they had apologized-- even though it sounded half-assed.

"SURELY CAPTAIN BEIDOU WILL—" He persisted, not liking the idea of letting (Y/N) off the hook so easily.

Though, with the sudden cackle of laughter that cut him off from saying anymore, he knew the situation would be resolved rather quickly.

"Hahahah! Hey, if Kazuha's allowing them to be free I'm sure it'll be fine!"

"Ah! Captain Beidou!"

The woman strut forward as she pushed back a piece of loose hair behind her ear on the side a eyepatch shielded away one of her eyes. Her one visible ruby eye scrutinized the group as she grinned in greeting. The way her long brown hair reflected the beaming sun made it look to almost have a reddish undertone hue, though that could be thanks to her article of clothing as well. A good portion of her hair was held back by a gorgeous golden ornament while one of her ears adorned a hanging earring. 

Overall, there was no doubt in anyone's eyes that her appearance alone confirmed she was captain of the crew.

"EEP!" (Y/N) squealed as they tried to make themself seem small and hide from Beidou's wrath, their eyes wide in fear. She looked calm and rather welcoming right now to the new guests, but her previous wrath was something that would be engraved into their memory for a long time.

Unfortunately for (Y/N), Beidou had long spotted them and grabbed the color of their shirt before hoisting them to stand up to their feet, pulling them close enough to be considered comrades instead of captive and captor.

Stepping forward was none other than the sailor who voiced his protests, his hand gesturing out towards (Y/N) who was silently panicking hoping Beidou wouldn't show her fierce aura again.

"CAPTAIN! BUT THIS INSOLENT--" He started, was once again finding he would be cut off by the captain herself.

"Hold your tongue. There's no reason to get so worked up." Beidou nonchalantly said to dismiss his worries. The others could only look on in silence, many questions begging to be asked within Paimon and Aether's heads. At this point any eavesdroppers and curious onlookers went back to work and prepping for the tournament knowing that Beidou had everything under control.

He nodded, albeit reluctantly, though he would never defy his captain's orders.

Beidou sent him an understanding smile, appreciative of his intentions since she knew the members of her crew as if they were actual family and knew those worries were good willed.

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