❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚊

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Whenever (Y/N) wanted to spend time with Lisa, the first place they would check for her would be the library that she held in such high regard. Ever rarely was she elsewhere and (Y/N) thought she would have lived in there if it weren't for the fact Lisa had informed them otherwise.

The two would often sit together to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and idly chat while taking in the atmosphere, the way the windows would capture the view amazing for scenery and setting that calm atmosphere the library was famous for.

Often times, the conversation would be guided along by Lisa, who would try and pry information on (Y/N)'s background, though they always managed to divert the topic to make it not about them.

That's exactly what had just occurred as (Y/N) asked Lisa if she had any hidden talents, to which Lisa was happy to share, ignoring the fact that (Y/N)'s own question she had asked them prior was smoothly avoided.

"Hmm, well I do know my way around the ballroom." Came Lisa's nonchalant response as she lightly tapped her pointer finger against her cheek, as that was only one of her many hidden talents.

(Y/N), who was holding a book that they thought had a pretty cover, nearly dropped it if it weren't for the death glare Lisa was giving them, in which they tightened their grip on it immediately to avoid any damage to the book or punishment from the librarian.

They carefully wrapped their hand around the book, their thumb securing the back while their other fingers gripped the front as they placed it in its designated spot on the 'fiction' shelf while they questioned Lisa further on this talent of hers.

"As in like... dancing? Ballroom dancing?" They asked to be sure they understood her correctly.

Lisa softened her glare seeing that (Y/N) was no longer manhandling her books and instead smiled as she leaned against the shelf with her arms crossed under her chest. She lazily drummed her fingers on her arm as she now had (Y/N)'s full undivided attention, (Y/N) looking over at her with a curious gleam in their eyes.

"Mhm~ It's quite the dallying activity— of course I'm referring to the intimacy of gliding across the floor while being so close to your partner when I say that." She hummed, her fingers that were once settled on her arm moving upwards to gently cup her cheek as she reminisced the feeling of being in another's embrace while they would get lost in the music.

This only arises more questions and curiosity from (Y/N) as they ignored how Lisa's words brought up a different implication for the art.

"Where did you learn how to do it??" They questioned, wondering if there was some tutor here in Mondstadt that they didn't know of. They were certain Eula knew how to ballroom dance because of her familial ties, and no offense to Lisa, but she was just a librarian so they wondered when she could have gained the knowledge.

Lisa's smile curled into a promising smirk as she observed their expression of undeniable interest, the emotion making her more than happy to give them all the information they wanted.

"It's just a little something I picked up during my free time while I was studying in Sumeru. If you're so eager to see, I'll show you first hand just how it's done~"


(Y/N) was a nervous wreck when matched with Lisa's flirting. It wasn't like the concept was foreign to them, in fact they have done their own fair share of flirting themself, it was just that Lisa always said or did something that would catch them off guard thanks to her boldness and lack of filter. Of course, (Y/N) would try to counter with their own quips, but they were no match to the librarian who incorporated this attitude in her everyday lifestyle.

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