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(Y/N)'s fingers held a weak grip around the electro delusion, not cautious in the slightest as their hand loomed over the deep well that seemed to have no bottom. Twisting their arm so that their hand angled sideways, they uncurled their fingers fully and watched as the shimmer of the purple glass dimmed as it plummeted down, waiting a few seconds until it was no longer visible and they heard it hit water.

They stared for prolonged seconds as if waiting for something else to happen, however they were only met with a quiet stillness that felt really out of place.

"Scaramouche, huh." They mumbled to themself, re-calling the dark haired boy from earlier in the day. There was something about him they couldn't get out of their mind, it was like they had some kind of unspoken connection between the two and they couldn't decipher if it was respect or resentment.

Scoffing quietly to themself, they fixed their expression as they lifted their gaze away from the well to instead look at their surroundings to find they were in a location they've never ventured before. It was nowhere close to the Narukami shrine and they had no doubt Yae would be pissed at the fact they never returned and never delivered those important manuscripts that are buried under some rubble somewhere.

They would just have to face her wrath later though since no matter where they looked, no sight seemed significant or familiar— they couldn't even see that big ass mountain and tree that was practically a guiding point for most places in Inazuma.

"Where even am I? This place looks unfamiliar." They mumbled, annoyed that they would have to either walk randomly, or well, use a waypoint. Although they tried to deny it, there was no more room for that. They weren't mortal, they were superior in all ways and utilizing these monuments were one of the perks that came with the blessing.

They looked towards the man made path and swore they saw a familiar figure, however thinking their eyes were deceiving them, they pressed the palms of their hands over their eyelids and rubbed gently.

When they opened their eyes with a slightly blurred vision, they noticed the figure raise one arm above their head and wave it back and forth while their free one moved up to cup their mouth to project their voice.

"(Y/N)! It's so great to see you again, friend!" The boy shouted, waving his hand back and forth sporadically while a giant grin upturned his lips and morphed his facial features to one of giddiness.

Horror stricken, (Y/N) stared on in shock as they once again rubbed at their eyes but with the side of their clenched fists.


Upon opening their eyes and seeing the figure more clearly and approaching closer, their expression changed into one of reciprocated recognition.

"I-It's...!" They stumbled over their words as their jaw hung open, a shaky finger moving upwards to point at the boy who continued to smile with a mischievous glint in his eye as he jogged up to them.

"IT'S YOU! TWERP! HOW DARE YOU!" (Y/N) yelled, staring at Heizou, the detective who helped them escape jail by forcing them to become a far more notorious criminal than they were already accused of being.

He winced while clamping his hands over his ears, his fingers touching the ends of his soft hair as he rolled his eyes at their behavior.

"What're you so angry about, geez?" Heizou questioned, his grin faltering to form a pouting expression from being yelled at.

Mouth still open in shock, they continued to angrily yell as an irk mark appeared at their forehead from him feigning confusion when he had to know damn well why they were so angered.


He blinked repeatedly, thinking hard as he hummed and tried to recall anything that 'rang a bell' just as they asked him to do. His hands fell from his ears as he instead moved one to grip his hip while the other landed on his chin in thought, naturally lidded eyes closing fully as he contemplated their words.

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