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(Y/N) chose not to speak a word as everyone stared towards the interaction, the streets not very busy in this particular area, however a few citizens stopped what they were doing and stared, whispering to one another as they wondered what was going on. They hoped it was nothing bad that would interrupt the Rite of Descension planned later today, and upon seeing weapons drawn, one civilian had the thought to go alert the millileth guards.

Xiao once again pushed forward, his teeth gritting in irritation as his spear head refused to move any more forward or slide off from Aether's sword with the way he has it angled. He moved his glare that was exclusively on (Y/N) and turned it to the blonde boy in front of him, one he regarded as a close friend but was now considering him a threat if he was willing to defend (Y/N).

"Traveler, they're not permitted into the city. I'll deal with them, so step aside." Xiao demanded.

This did nothing to deter Aether as he retained his hold, the two girls in the back keeping aim and focus on (Y/N) while they continued to remain still with their hands up in submission.

A turn was taken that no one there had expected as a blur of white flew in the stand-still's direction. All too suddenly, small hands wrapped around the long wood of Xiao's jade polearm as the owner of those hands gripped tightly and tried to pull it away from it being directed at Aether and (Y/N).

Looking over, Xiao's eyes slightly widened as he saw the small girl's eyes clouded with a film of tears, her whole body quivering as she had moved without even thinking despite the fear she was experiencing. She remained strong, never letting those tears fall from her eyes, the frustration of not being able to do anything but watch getting to her.

"No! No, please, please Xiao! Please, don't hurt (Y/N)!" Paimon begged, her voice breaking as she couldn't understand what was going on but didn't want anymore fighting, conflict, or confusion between everyone.

Xiao's shocked expression morphed into a glare as he scowled at Paimon, his lips parting to say something however he was distracted when he felt a force of weight against his spear.

He turned to see Aether was glaring back at him in response to the hostility towards Paimon, and the sudden aggression made Xiao keep that fierce expression except with it being focused on the blonde once again. He chose to ignore Paimon who continued to relentlessly hold onto the spear to help prevent it from pushing anymore forward.

Aether pressed the front of his foot against the ground, his muscles straining as he continued to block Xiao from piercing through (Y/N)'s neck with his spear.

"I have things I want to ask them. Unless you can answer on their behalf, I have no intentions of letting them out of my sight." Aether said, offering an alternative in which everything was beginning to click for Xiao on why he went to defend them.

Xiao held his glare as he stared silently, his eyes swiftly darting back and forth from Aether and (Y/N) as if they would disappear if he took his eyes off from them for even a second even though Ganyu and Yanfei were in the back watching them carefully. He noticed how their expression was blank— one holding no significant emotion as they continued to hold up their hands in what looked to be surrender or defense. Either way, it looked as if they had no intention of fighting back.

Without retracting his polearm or looking away from Aether, Xiao spoke to the two behind him.

"Ganyu, Yanfei. I have things under control here." He reassured, hoping they would take the hint to leave. This made a hopeful glimmer shine in Paimon's eyes as she glanced towards the two women stationed in spots where they would easily be able to attack, looking to see if they would comply and back down.

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