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Kazuha is a rather gentle individual. He's soft spoken and polite which completely complimented his delicate features. His soft snowy hair decorated with a streak of red was held together with a hair tie, only managing to restrain the back of his hair but nevertheless seemed put together neatly. His eyes were sharp and wise, the red a rather intimidating color, but it was clouded with a gentle kindness that contradicted the connotations of the shade.

Overall, his appearance suggested him to be a rather docile individual, however his conviction could be considered aggressive. Aether could see behind the veil of tranquility lied boundless amounts of rage and fierce determination-- the look of someone seeking justice and set on completing this goal without tolerating interference.

This was the first trait that Aether noticed upon meeting him, the look of suspicion as he interrogated him and Paimon on their reasons for being here clear indication.

After telling the boy all about their intentions to approach Captain Beidou concerning their travels to Inazuma, it wasn't long before Kazuha had been quick to agree when sensing no ill intent. What he had picked up on was the glimpse of hope that shined in the traveler and his companion's eyes as he told them he would introduce them to the captain. They seemed rather desperate to gain an audience with Beidou, and whether that be for their intended trip for Inazuma or questioning about these missing people, he could sympathize those emotions of desperation and understood they must be mentally strained.

To ease any lingering tensions, Kazuha made small talk as he brought them to the beach where the ship was docked closest to-- which was also where a rather unique competition was being held courtesy of himself and Beidou. He informed them all about the reward of a masterless vision prize for the victor of the tournament and suggest they enter, though neither seemed too interested in the aspect of gaining a power beheld by a vision and instead suggested that if they enter and win, their reward could be a free trip to Inazuma.

Of course, Kazuha had to check in with Beidou on that to see if she would allow it since it was her ship, but he didn't think that was too bad of a bargain.

The three amicably chatted as they approached the site of the competition, busied members of the crew rushing around and getting everything ready on Beidou's orders. There were crates being carried by large burly men to their proper destinations and a ring being created for what Aether presumed would be where the tournament is held. Competitors were already mentally preparing themselves on the sidelines while a woman holding a clipboard bossily barked orders at her comrades so that everything could be completed properly.

Paimon awed at the amount of people in the area each doing their own thing, one of her hands pressed against her forehead as she blocked out the sun to get a better look. Just beside her stood Aether, who similarly looked around in interest with one of his hands pressed against his side while his other one rested limply.

Paimon's eyes traveled over to the people that would be competing for the vision prize and immediately discerned that they looked like a bunch of meatheads that she personally thought she could defeat in a one on one battle.

"No offense but everyone here looks like wimps... Paimon knows you'll win, Aether!"

Kazuha, who was silently watching as the two had taken in their surroundings sent Paimon a puzzled look.

"Truly? I feel some look rather fierce appearance wise. Nonetheless, I know appearances are not a proper judge of character nor ability." He pointed out, his hand simultaneously shooting up in greeting as someone from the crew had taken note of his presence and silently welcomed him back before returning to their job.

Before Aether could reply, he was caught off guard, along with literally everyone else in the vicinity by a terribly loud voice. Someone even dropped the crate they were carrying in surprise and everyone's attention shot in the direction this commotion arose from.

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