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Warnings: No warnings, you're good! 🫶

——————Flashback Chapter, Synopsis at end——————

(Y/N) was a naturally gifted child who's personality shifted quite drastically. Originally, when the horrors of the world were unknown to them, they were a soft child. Very kind, clumsy, and unaware of their surroundings. After witnessing said horrors, they became more sarcastic, serious, and even arrogant. They had been praised repeatedly for their strength and abilities, and this in turn created a complex in which they believed they were the strongest. They had no doubt in those abilities they were so admired for.

This also led to them growing a hatred for anyone weak— and mortality was something they looked down upon. Lucky for them, they could fix the issue of mortality, but at the cost of their morality.

Among the vast personality change, they had also become quite cold, but there still remained a soft spot for a few people.

One was their mother.

On the other hand, they wouldn't consider themself to have a soft spot for their father. Sure they held a sort of respect for him, but that was the extent of their feelings, and since he had always remained distant, they didn't see him as someone close.

Their family, although complicated, was something they were fine with. Fine with the distant relationship with their father and closeness with their mother.

The family of three lived in the Guili Plains region, however they didn't live in your average family home.

Serenely floating stationary in the air, a teapot glazed in honey brown and gold colors was out of place for the lush blue and greens of the nature around. Fog surrounded the mysterious object and encircled it, rising slowly in a repeated motion as a way to welcome or ward off visitors. Whichever of the two it was just meant that there were people present within the teapot in the end.

(Y/N) never found it strange that they lived in a teapot growing up, in fact they thought that was the normal. They thought houses in the mortal realm were far more strange, but they would soon learn just how common it was when they began adventuring outside of their home region.

Within the teapot along with the family of three lived a cute little finch. It had been created the day the teapot was made, its purpose being to assist in anything the people living within the teapot may need. And so this finch performed its job by helping out to raise (Y/N) and caring for their mother-- even if she was stubborn and insisted on doing many things herself.

(Y/N) grew attached to this finch, however their lack of knowledge on many basic things when they were younger made them have trouble understanding just exactly what the finch was. They understood they were a teapot spirit, however they didn't know exactly what a finch was or what many species of animals were.

"Bark buddy!" (Y/N) demanded as they grinned and pointed up at the teapot spirit, eyes closed as they excitedly waited for it to follow command.

Tubby sweat dropped at the strange kid in front of her.

"Apologies, but I am a finch, not a dog."


There were only three others that (Y/N) had a soft spot for— but they were too stubborn to admit this.

They grew up along with these three, each coming at different years, however at one point it had formed the infamous group of four.

Xiao, Ganyu, and Yanfei all never thought they would be close with Rex Lapis' child. (Y/N) never flaunted that fact and it was only after a little while of meeting each of them did they share their status. They flexed more of their individual abilities than familial connections after all.

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