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The forest had a serene atmosphere, calm and peaceful, but it was also an atmosphere that made you feel you needed to be wary and on edge. It was as if behind the kind and approachable façade, it held monsters lingering behind barks of trees and within the tall grass. 

(Y/N)'s eye twitched in irritation as they travelled within the forest, looking around warily in search for something while keeping an eye out to avoid any bugs, that they developed a trauma for. They swore if they ever saw a creature with more than four legs again, they would simply move out of Teyvat and to another realm. 

(Y/N) angrily mumbled to themself as they bent down towards the ground at the side of the natural dirt path and aggressively picked a flower, ripping it from its roots before bringing it up to their nose and sniffing it. Their nose scrunched up in disgust at the smell before they tossed it to the side and stood back up, their irritation returning at not finding what they were looking for.

"What even is a Valberry??? They better be amazing for me to be going through all this trouble." (Y/N) complained as they adjusted the bag in their hand over towards their other hand, the lunch inside not heavy whatsoever but with how long they were holding it, their arm was starting to ache. 

"UARGH!" A loud yell echoed out not so far away, a sound of what (Y/N) would assume was a crash immediately following it.

"!?" Alarmed, (Y/N) stood up like a hilichurl when they first notice an opponent, rapidly scanning around them for any oversized bugs that might want to eat them. They squinted and put a hand over their eyebrows to shield away the sun as they tried to get a better look in the distance, but it was hard to make out anything with the sun beaming through the trees and into their eyes.

Past the trees from where (Y/N) was squatting and past the lush nature, (Y/N) could make out three figures, one of them flying off in the distance as the three looked to be engaged in some type of battle. 

"Okay, yeah that's a kid holding a giant sword... being attacked by a Mitachurl." (Y/N) mumbled, confirming to themself what they were witnessing. They put their hand back down to their side and began to walk forward, careful with their steps as to not step into poison ivy or a snakes nest.

They pushed away greenery as they approached the scene, a loud howl coming from one of the figures as they slashed at the giant creature holding a large wooden shield. As (Y/N) got closer, they could see just how large the Mitachurl was, one of the higher evolutions of Hilichurls holding a large shield and smacking the boy away from him, making the boy keep his distance.

The boy practically snarled as he reeled back the large sword and swiped at the shield, leaving only a futile scratch as the barrier protected the creature from harm.

The boy recklessly swung his huge sword once again, the weight of it making him struggle, but only slightly as the momentum from his swings had made a small stagger in his steps.

(Y/N), seeing the struggle, contemplated something.

They kicked at some leaves on the ground, pushing away the small shrubs until they found what they were looking for.

"Jeez I can't believe I'm doing this." (Y/N) mumbled to themself as they tossed the stone into the air and caught it.

They then reeled their hand back, their eyes narrowing as they stared at the creature attacking the boy, and as the creature swiped its shield out to swing it to hit him, (Y/N) tossed the rock with as much force as they could muster.

"URGH!" The Mitachurl yelled out in pain as it stumbled, the rock hitting it's eye. The eye remained closed as it gathered itself together, blood beginning to pool down its face as it clutched onto its shield and scanned the area with its good eye.

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