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The terrain was vast and yet limited to a specified area within the confines, boundaries far too hidden to see and yet anyone could tell you they were there. White blanketed the ground, a clean color that looked soft at the surface but was truly cold and harsh when it came in contact with the warmth from a human's body.

Snow gently fell from the sky, different patterns and prints stacking upon each other to form the iced over surface atop the grass-- the image instilling a tranquil atmosphere to those who saw the fresh coverage. The breeze that blew unfortunately wasn't a pleasant one, and it instead nipped at the skin and left a lasting stinging sensation to those who embraced it, the cold air unrelenting to those who dared to brave it.

The soles of someone's shoes tainted the once pristine and untouched veil of snow, signs of life all around despite plants already long dead.

The perfect counter to these deceiving conditions was the warmth of the fire that sizzled like bacon within the building some people could call home, along with the freshly brewed cups of coffee and hot cocoa that sat atop the round stone table.

Bundled in a heap of blankets, a women with delicate features which included long lashes, a minuscule smile that formed her resting face, and fluffy bangs had her head turned so that she faced the window to look towards the display outside.

She sat silently with her hands folded in her lap, content with the silence, and yet it felt as if something were missing. The bench she sat on was noticeably cold compared to the usual warmth it would have when someone would accompany her on it to have a chat.

The steam from the drinks floated from out of the cup and the aroma made a sweet feeling rest on her tongue, anticipating trying some, however she would wait for the person who owned the second cup to return.

And as if on cue, the door slammed open rather loudly and definitely without any concern for potential damage to the walls, making her head swivel in the direction it came from. Her natural smile immediately widened after the initial surprise as she already knew who would barge in so rudely.

The whistling of the breeze was much louder now that the door was open, though with the squeak of the bottom hinges, that harsh sound of the wind became muffled once again signaling the door had closed.

The slamming of objects and a loud sniffle that followed showed that the person was settling in comfortably, and the weight of their footsteps had immediately been recognized to be someone the woman was familiar with.

She leaned forward and wrapped her hand around the warm cup of coffee, her nails gently resting against the ceramic and feeling the heat from the cup transfer into her fingertips. The sound of burning wood crumbling was just as joyful to hear as the sound of someone turning the corner and into the room she was in.

She heard a muffled giggle that only made the smile at her lips tug up even wider and a small exhale of air release from her nose, the voice of her precious child something she treasured above anything else.

"Welcome back, you had fun I hope?"

The child stepped backwards to slip the geta off from their feet, the wooden soles beginning to hurt them after walking in them for a long period of time, and opting to just walk in their comfortable socks since they were sure their mother wouldn't notice. Their sense of balance was a little off and walking felt a bit weird from the sudden change of elevation, though it was quickly regained as they were excited to approach the women as they began taking steps forward.

Though she couldn't see it, the young child excitedly nodded their head as they savored the warm feeling the room provided; easing the stinging sensation all over their face from the freezing temperatures outside.

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