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Rounding the corner, a tall man who wore a long tan trench-coat sneered as he noticed a (H/C) haired person crouching in the spot he usually arranged meetings in. They seemed to be mumbling about something that was causing them trouble— talking a mile a minute under their breath, to which he couldn't pick up on anything they were saying.

The creek that was located just a few feet away from them created a satisfying drizzling noise, which was what made them get lost in their thoughts in the first place since the sound was really soothing. This hiding spot behind the building was a real gem— the strange man would definitely have to worry about them stealing it.

"Hey, scram, would ya?" The man asked as he lifted his hand and made a shooing motion, (Y/N) looking up at him and glaring since they were interrupted from their thoughts. Their face scrunched up in annoyance as they looked at the man with dark slicked back hair and glasses, this guy looking like some type of drug dealer that was trying so desperately to hide himself in a crowd that it made him stand out.

"Huh?! I was sulking here first, imbecile!" They scolded, shooing him off in return, far more irritated as they reciprocated the hand gesture with an alteration— that alteration being just their middle finger sticking up.

The man physically reeled back at this strangers audacity and vulgar gesture, though when he saw the glint of something around their neck, his offended expression vanished and his personality seemed to flip like a switch. He rubbed his gloved hands together while staring them up and down, a warm smile tugging his lips upward.

"Ah, sorry! now that I'm looking at you... you're definitely special." He stated, respect radiating off from him making (Y/N) reel back in shock.


(Y/N) blinked repeatedly as a euphoric expression numbed their face, sheepishly holding the back of their neck with their hand at the ego boost this guy 'unknowingly' gave them.

"Yup! There's no doubt about it." He said while closing his eyes gently as he cupped his chin with his finger and nodded his head.

(Y/N) planted their hand against the grass beside them before un-bending their knees with a grunt to stand up straight. Their arms shot above their head as they tangled their fingers with one another, stretching their arms out as they suppressed a yawn before looking over at the man with an excited expression.

"I'm special? how?" They questioned, wanting to be praised more even if it were by a total stranger.

The man looked around to watch out for any eavesdroppers before beckoning (Y/N) closer, them doing so without hesitation as he opened up his trench coat and dug around through an inside pocket.

He suddenly paused and sent a serious glare, causing them to stiffen up and wait for what he had to say.

"Listen, I don't do this for just anyone, but I can tell you're worthy."

(Y/N) gaped at him, glancing towards the hand he had hidden from their view and to the expression on his face. His eyes were narrowed and his posture was stiff, a small bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face that made them reciprocate the tenseness.

Feeling their heart swell in pride, they gripped their hands against their hips in a confident pose, their nose sticking up in the air as they let a breathy laugh pass their lips before saying,

"Of course I am, I'm glad you're so wise as to notice!"

The man sweat dropped and almost dropped the façade he was holding up when his lip had upturned slightly into a mocking sneer, although he was a professional in swindling people so he was quick to force his face into a trustable look.

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