❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝙰𝚕𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚘

855 57 11

Forgot to mention, all of these specials are considered 'canon' to Serenitea's story, the Xiao one too although that happened far earlier than the rest.


"What are you gaining by doing... this?"

"It's for my personal enjoyment, Mr. Alchemist. What, do you not like to see me happy or something?"

(Y/N) had insisted on spending the day with Albedo this morning, in fact it was their rapid knocking on the door he was woken up to. They wouldn't take no for an answer by the looks of it, but Albedo didn't mind, in fact he was really glad they sought him out instead of the other way around.

After they were done twirling the second half of blonde strands to form a braid on Albedo's hair, (Y/N) nimbly slid the hair tie off from around their wrist and attached it to his hair in order to tie it together in his usual preferred style. It's become routine for them to do Venti's hair in the morning, so he wasn't too surprised when they asked to do his upon seeing it loose from just waking up.

"It's nothing of the sort... it's just when you said you wanted to spend time with me, I expected something else."

(Y/N) picked up the item they had brought along with them from their own room and clicked the small container open before picking up one of Albedo's paintbrushes that they decided to borrow, dabbing the bristles lightly onto the contents of the container to add the red pigment onto it. Albedo closed his eyes upon seeing (Y/N) gesture for him to do so, feeling how they delicately pressed the brush against his skin and sliding it quickly to form a neat red line around his eye.

"What more would you like to do?" (Y/N) questioned, finding prettying up one of the most gorgeous boys they had the fortune of meeting to be a rather fun activity for this morning.

Albedo contemplated this question with a hum, his eyes remaining shut as (Y/N) moved to his second eye to create the same red lining they had perfected on the previous one.

"I have an idea I've been looking to try for some time."


"Competitive hide and seek?!" (Y/N) blurted out upon listening to Albedo's long explanation of the public game they would be participating in. The two had made their way within the city of Mondstadt to the location it was being hosted in hopes to play a round or two because its been an activity everyone had been talking about lately. It was a limited time thing so Albedo thought it was rather convenient that (Y/N) was hanging out with him today, and though he didn't show it much, he was rather excitable to try it out.

"Formally known as Windtrace, but yes, in simper terms, competitive hide and seek." Albedo confirmed with a nod of his head, (Y/N) running ahead of him as they pointed out the big sign that read 'Windtrace'.

He fondly watched as they rushed towards the host of the event and bombarded them with questions, leisurely taking his time to get over to them as they bounced with way too much energy.

Upon hearing the requirements to begin a game, (Y/N) rushed back over to Albedo in order to let him know what was needed. Albedo was only able to catch the ends of their conversation, but he had heard that there needed to be five people— one hunter and four rebels.

"Let's join up with a group!"

And so the two looked around, their gaze looking to find people that had incomplete teams or hadn't been put into any yet. Conveniently, a group of three had overheard (Y/N)'s loud exclamation, and upon noticing they were accompanied with another, they knew it would be the perfect amount of people and decided to approach them.

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