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"HWUUUH!" A gasp ripped suddenly from the man's throat, causing him to doubled over and practically cough his lungs out as he attempted to recover from the recoil.

(Y/N)'s day had been going splendidly, emphasis on the had. They were enjoying the sights of the first village outside of the city, a lovely little home for a tight knit community.

The simple things like the wells and creek were all fascinating, and even if this weren't the first time they've seen things like these, they were still therapeutic to enjoy these items within the tranquil setting.

Unfortunately for them, that atmosphere would be shattered as rounding the corner and coming face to face with them was none other than their arch-nemesis.

"IT'S YOU! PIGEON!" Arataki Itto shouted while jabbing his finger in their direction, his long white hair swaying in the breeze that decided to interrupt their stand still to make it more intense.

'Maybe if I pretend I don't know him he'll leave me alone.' (Y/N) thought with a deadpan expression, dread filling them up as they could find no other way out of this.

Tilting their head innocently, (Y/N) blinked owlishly over at Itto, who's eyebrow shot up wondering what type of display they were putting on. They made effort to look around them and even over their shoulder, hand moving upwards as they sheepishly scratched their cheek.

"Ah... sorry, you've got the wrong person." (Y/N) apologized while looking off to the side and tried to act casual and confused. Slowly and cautiously, their foot began to pivot as they began to back up slowly to try and create some distance in case they needed to run.

Itto noticed the way they were subtly backing away, his lip curling upwards in irritation making the lines on his face stretch. He punched a clenched fist into his open palm making (Y/N) flinch, the aura Itto was emitting already telling them that he wasn't having any of it.

"OH, don't give me that whole amnesia shtick! I'm not that dense!" He shouted while closing the distance that they had made between the two and stomping forward.

Feeling their anger bubble up, (Y/N) maintained a calm composure as they discarded the idea of pretending not to know him to say,

"You just admitted you're dense, meathead." (Y/N) pointed out— to which Itto decided to ignore them as his mind clouded with pure revenge.

"I challenge you!" He declared while wrapping his hands around his waist to stand in a confident pose.

"I don't have my beyblade on me, sorry man."

"—To a competition!"

Knowing that they weren't interested, (Y/N) was readying to run and call for help— hell they would even call out for the Tenryou commission if need be. They regret coming out here to find a place to eat, but they were extremely hungry after all the stolen rations they had were defiled by those birds.

A thought then passed just as they were about to turn away and dash off, their eyebrow raising as they looked over at Itto in sudden interest which made him smirk seeing it as an accepted challenge.

"Is there a prize?" They asked, wanting to know what would be the result of their efforts. Even though they liked to claim Itto had a one sided rivalry against them, they secretly wanted to be better than him at everything and prove him wrong. Not only for what he did in jail and how they constantly bickered, but how he almost got them thrown in jail once again a few days earlier.

Itto shut his eyes as he hummed loudly, obviously not thinking this far and coming up with something on the spot. He wanted to make sure his rival was as invested in this as he was, so he began to spout the first things that appeared off the top of his head.

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