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Warnings: Angst, Zh*ngli, Synopsis at end


Osial was yet another ancient god who fell at the hands of Rex Lapis during the archon war 2,000 years ago. He was terribly strong and equally feared for his strength, capable of creating tsunamis as tall as Liyue's mountains. Fortunately, he was defeated and sealed away thanks to Rex Lapis and his Vortex Vanquisher.

Childe, also known as Tartaglia, is a member of the eleven Fatui Harbingers, a group loyal and dedicated to the Tsaritsa. Well, it was more like the nine fatui harbingers right now since not only was Signora killed by the Raiden Shogun in Inazuma, within that same land, Scaramouche had gone rouge. He dropped any contact with the Tsaritsa and whether that be because he's dead or that he's a traitor, they were unsure of the exact reason— but what is known is that he is / was in possession of the Shogun's gnosis.

Even without them, Tartaglia will still see his job through. He used Fatui-manufactured sigils of permission to unleash Osial, who immediately enacted his long held wrath upon Liyue. He was angered having to be sealed for so long and sought vengeance.

But that was only a distraction in order to meet up with who he believed was really Rex Lapis— who was very much alive. He didn't need to lure the geo archon out because he already felt he knew who it was, and it was someone he managed to befriend.

Their efforts in Inazuma weren't totally fruitless, because they managed to recover vital information that went along with the Tsaritsa's knowledge. She knew Rex Lapis had a child, and that child was a traitor of Liyue. They had (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, and a (Tall / Average / Short) stature. And that child no doubt would be the clue to figuring out the appearance of Rex Lapis's human form and gnosis location. But she had also found out the first contract he had set in stone was one that would make the Liyue gnosis the hardest to obtain.

She was certain her harbingers could handle the task, and surely enough, Signora had pulled through.

What Signora had found in Inazuma was numerous ancient scrolls recounting the events of Liyue and how the miracle child fell from their high, almost as if it were a self therapy session. Along with them were parchments that had various pictures painted on them with the local flowers used as dyes. One picture showed a person with the exact features the child of Rex Lapis was described to have along with four others.

A tall man stood behind them, hands crossed against his chest and beside him stood a lovely woman with her hands folded gently in front of her. In front of the child of Rex Lapis floated a finch sitting within the teapot. And the last person stood beside the miracle child and had their hand linked with theirs. It was a boy with short dark hair with teal undertones, one of his arms having a tattoo sleeve as his face showed a gentle expression. The fingers intertwined were painted softly and intricately, like it were the most precious thing in Teyvat.

Nevertheless, the painting was enough to give heavy depictions of people in their past. And Childe had recognized the one tall man standing in the back when he was in the city of Liyue. The harbinger had connected the family member immediately, and that only led him to the conclusion, Mr. Zhongli was not an ordinary funeral parlor consultant.

And so as Aether and other people who were willing to step up towards Osial were pre-occupied, Childe had made his way to Northland Bank.


Just as he suspected, Zhongli was waiting for him there. He was a smart man, already knowing Childe had ulterior motives for meeting him here, but he remained patient for his arrival.

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