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Double chapter because I wrote too much again, make sure you read Eleven then Twelve since it may just send you straight to twelve! 


"YOU KNOW WHAT, I'VE HAD ENOUGH." (Y/N) dramatically flailed their arms around looking for something to take their frustrations out on, eyes narrowed angrily as they scanned the room. There was a hat placed for decoration that simply sat there, so (Y/N) made their way over and snatched it off the rack. They placed it on their head, securing it so it fit nicely, before taking it off and throwing it to the ground to show their anger.

"I won't be restrained by that devil's hold anymore. I will pay off that bard's tab myself if I have to!" 

(Y/N) paced back and forth in their room, the curtains drawn so no light spilled in as they schemed in the dark. There was only one lantern that warmly lit up the dark room, the room being pitch black other than that despite it being day, but (Y/N) felt they needed dramatic atmosphere for their dilemma.

Paimon and Aether peaked through the crack in the door as they watched the trouble maker try to find a way out of the situation they found themself in, (Y/N) having already tried begging Aether for help, but he refused to do so and told them to be responsible for the problems they created.

"Stupid bard, I knew we should have worn the butlers outfits. We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if we did, would we?"

Aether deadpanned at hearing them say that, knowing that was definitely not the reason they were caught, but rather they were so damn obvious throughout their whole "mission". Although Aether and Paimon were distracted with catching crystal flies and didn't notice at the time, Diluc sure as hell did since he was very self aware, especially when right below his window from his room the two were scheming their plans out loud.

"Paimon feels kind of bad... don't you think we should at least give them some tips?" Paimon suggested to Aether as she moved away from the crack in the door to face him, (Y/N) still complaining but doing nothing about it.

Aether moved back as well and put a finger to his chin, humming in thought debating if he should lend them a hand or not. He shrugged before standing upright and grabbing his shoulder, moving it around in circular motions while moving his head to the side to release the stress in his neck.

Aether gently raised his hand to knock on the door, a repeated pattern of knocks while the impact made the door creak and open just a little. He, as well as Paimon, stuck their head inside to see (Y/N) passed out on the floor, their ghost beginning to fly out of their body and their nose dripping with blood.

"AGHHHH! (Y/N) DIED!" Paimon screeched before shriveling to the ground, Aether quick to catch her by the collar of her shirt. Aether warily looked at the twitching corpse on the ground and raised an eyebrow, slightly concerned, but knew there was no way they were dead.

Paimon, getting over the death rather quickly, shrugged her shoulders and recalled something earlier that they could finally put to use. Aether let go of her collar so she could float beside him, the two walking in the room and towards (Y/N)'s supposedly dead body.

"At least we can finally put those coupons that Hu Tao gave us to use. Rest in peace." Paimon mentioned as she gently shut her eyes in respect and clasped her two hands together, her head bowing slightly.

Aether followed Paimon's actions and put his hands together, closing his eyes as he prayed for a safe journey to the next life.

"Rest in peace." Aether whispered as well, though that snapped (Y/N) out of whatever stupor they were in as they shot up from the ground.

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