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"Almost got it..." (Y/N)'s tongue stuck out of the side of their mouth as they put as much concentration they could muster into whatever they were doing. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, in fact many people in Mondstadt were starting to pick up the hobby. The only thing that made this so different for (Y/N) was that this wasn't a matter of picking up a hobby, but rather being forced to do so.

"Come on come on come on come on--" The long rod in their hand bent slightly as the string attached was violently pulled, (Y/N) reeling back while turning the handle as they sustained a good hold, though whatever was at the other end was relentless with trying to get the bait off the fishing rod.

With a final harsh tug, (Y/N) letting out a yell, the creature on the other end popped out of the water. If only they had a little companion to cheer them on, maybe they would have caught it easier. (Y/N) finished reeling the line in as they steadied themselves from the momentum of their final tug, excited to see their catch that they spent hours trying to even get to peck the bait.

(Y/N)'s starry eyes, wide smile, and excited expression immediately went away at the sight of the fish they managed to catch. The fish was pathetic, and yet it had gave (Y/N) such a hard time to the point their arms ached and they were completely out of breath. (Y/N), with an irritated expression, took the hook out from the tiny fish's lip and tossed the fish back into the water. That wasn't feeding anyone in the tavern anytime soon, except maybe the mice.

So why was (Y/N) fishing in the first place?

Well, On the job, Venti and (Y/N) decided to dine on some of the taverns food since it just smelled so... irresistible, unknown to them a customer was waiting for their order that never arrived. Diluc ended up finding out about their pilfering from a plethora of complaints, and was not lenient at all with the punishments. He had sent (Y/N) to replenish the seafood since the next shipment wouldn't be for a while, while Venti was on fowl duty elsewhere.

(Y/N) crouched on the ground and laid their flimsy fishing rod just besides them, burying their head into their knees as they took a few seconds to get themselves together. If they didn't they were sure they would have decided to jump into the large body of water and start violently grabbing the slimy fish by now.

"Hehehehe~ Da-da-dah!"

A high pitched voice of what sounded like another person brought them out of their brooding about this being their 'villain origin backstory', their head shooting up and looking around. There should definitely be no humans in the area, as it was away from the city of Mondstadt and the area was known to be quite dangerous. It did have a pretty good fishing spot from what they were told, though they begged to differ.

The sound of leaves being crunched under someone's feet made (Y/N) stand up, the lush forest concealing whoever was there. (Y/N) blinked rapidly as flying right past their face, a cute bunny like ball had shot out from the trees with no warning ahead of time.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" (Y/N) shouted as the ball made its descent to the water, its shadow intimidating for the fish as they desperately tried to swim away.


The voice from earlier shouted, making (Y/N)'s attention focus back on the forest area. Leaping out the lush bushes was a little girl clothed in red, her blonde hair tied up as a bulky red hat sat upon her head. (Y/N) reeled back in horror from the sudden appearance, grabbing their flimsy fishing rod to use as a sword, though the young girl paid them no mind.


They could feel their heart drop along with the ear piercing explosion, water shooting straight up in the air behind them. The explosion was so big, (Y/N) had time to turn around to witness it and stared wide eyes at the geyser of water, sure to be seen over the trees. The water then came back down, drenching (Y/N) as they stood like a wet rat, shocked trying to process what was going on.

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