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Problems naturally gravitated towards (Y/N), to the point they wondered why they even stepped foot in the city of Mondstadt to begin with this morning. Well, the intention of going out in the first place was for meeting with someone and hopefully spending the day with them, but they did not expect a meeting like this to play out.

"IT'S YOU!" The small pink haired girl screeched as all of her hairs stood up in alarm, pointing an accusing finger at (Y/N) who was just strolling the streets.

(Y/N) stopped upon hearing the shouting, as well as a few others to see what the commotion was about. The girl stood in front of them, and (Y/N) looked around them noticing no one was close enough for the finger to be pointing at anyone else but them.

"Me?" They questioned while jutting a finger at themself just to be sure. This only seemed to make the girl even angrier, as her tail stiffened straight up in the air in rage.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB!" She shouted as her eyes narrowed, scrutinizing (Y/N) who seemed puzzled to what exactly was going on.

"Huh? Did you need something, kiddo?" (Y/N) questioned wondering if maybe the child had mistaken (Y/N) for the wrong person, or (Y/N) had accidently done something that offended her without realizing it.

"DID I NEED SOMETHING?!?! DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID, DRUNKARD!" She shouted, garnering even more attention and whispers from people strolling around the streets of Mondstadt, even a small gasp. (Y/N) felt a bead of sweat slide down the side of their face as they lifted a finger to their lips and hushed the irritated girl, trying to ease the situation before someone called the Knights of Favonius to lock them away.

"HUH!? WHAT'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT, SHHHH PEOPLE ARE STARING!" (Y/N) immediately responded, but that didn't deter the girls attitude in the slightest. She did however, lower her tone of voice, but her eyes still narrowed in sync with her furrowed brows.

"Hmph. Useless adult, running away from your problems after you and that green guy caused so much trouble." She said disappointingly with a shake of her head, her upper lip curling ever so slightly in disgust as they stared at (Y/N), the small girl placing her hands on her hips as they continued to stare at them.

(Y/N) walked closer and held their hands up in defense as they tried and reason with the girl that looked vaguely familiar, though they couldn't pin point who exactly she was.

"Okay okay, let's talk this through. Could you remind me of what I did wrong?" (Y/N) requested, genuinely confused as to what the pink haired girl was implying (Y/N) had done, especially with the addition of "drunkard" as an insult.

"Remind you?! You seriously don't remember?" She skeptically asked as she highly distrusted what (Y/N) had to say. There was simply no way they didn't remember what they had done, after all it had caused much worry for Diona, her boss, and her co-workers.

"...Yeah? I'm so serious." (Y/N) confirmed as they thought back to anything they could have done while in a tipsy state, but can't really recall anything except maybe breaking a window. To be fair, it wasn't their fault in the first place, but they could be accounted for some of the blame as long as Venti took the rest.

"Then let me help you remember." She kindly stated, though her irritation was still obviously present by the way she impatiently tapped her foot on the ground as if she were waiting for (Y/N) to beg for forgiveness any second.

"...A few days back, a traveler and bard came into the cats tail late at night for our special drinks made by yours truly. Is it coming back now?" She reminded, (Y/N) nodding their head confirming they had indeed entered a bar a few days ago, in fact multiple times because of Venti's bribing and begging.

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