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"A bard? Aether, I thought you had a lot of friends? You really were desperate, just as I said when you came to pick me up." (Y/N) said as they pulled out the chair and sat across from the boy dressed in green who was tuning his lyre. (Y/N) had just woken up from a nap and they looked a bit disheveled, but still apparently had the energy to start problems.

Aether sat next to the bard who was getting bashed for absolutely no reason, the braided haired boy placing his lyre down on the table before looking up at the person across from him, shocked.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean??" He whined with a childish pout, the two braids on the sides of his head swaying as he turned his head to look at Aether. (Y/N) just shrugged their shoulders and lolled their head to the side, muffling a yawn behind their hand.

"Who's this meanie? I think Paimon may just be more likeable than them!" His emerald green eyes narrowed at the person across from him, his hands gripping at his hips as he expected for the person to introduce themself. He whispered something under his breath as he was ignored, the person so close to dozing off he wondered why they even bothered to come downstairs.

The mouth-watering smell of food wafted out from the kitchen, the alluring scent immediately waking (Y/N) up like cold water had just been thrown on them.

"Oh, that's right. I came to introduce myself." They recalled, mentally noting Paimon wasn't with Aether as she usually was. Maybe the smell was her being cooked.

"I'm (Y/N), an adventurer! What's your name, bard?" They asked while sitting up properly instead of slouching, looking at the lyre that the young looking boy had discarded on the table when being insulted.

"I'll forget your insults for now. My name is Venti, just your normal Mondstadt bard. Where are you from?" He asked with a large smile, curious to know more about this new person. Aether and Paimon had been stressing out the past few days looking for them, so he was curious to know the story behind this troublemaker.

"Ehhh, I don't remember. Also, what's that smell? Finally cooking Paimon?" (Y/N) asked, but just as they said that, the doors to the kitchen that connected to the dining room slammed open.

"I heard that! Paimon is NOT edible!" Paimon shouted as the door slammed shut behind her. Paimon held a large tray with her two small hands, a giant sweet Madame sitting on top, the honey-roasted fowl decorated beautifully with sweet flowers. The smell was intoxicating as both Venti and (Y/N) nearly drooled, their mouth watering as they imagined what it tasted like.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook, Paimon!" (Y/N) marveled in amazement, staring at the floating child like she was a godly being. A familiar face to (Y/N) had walked into the room behind Paimon, but they hadn't made themselves known until their cooking was mistaken for being made by someone else.

"Actually, she didn't make that, it was me. Mortal food is tedious to prepare and cook, but everyone here takes turns making breakfast and dinner." He held an unamused expression, a frilly pink apron covering his clothes from when he had previously been cooking. His gold eyes narrowed in annoyance as he looked at the back of (Y/N)'s head, immediately knowing who they were when they insulted Venti earlier.

When (Y/N) turned to look at him, they couldn't hold back anything and simply exploded in laughter at seeing the serious and emotionless boy wearing that, not that there was anything wrong with it, it just seemed really out of place for him. The simple irony of meeting him again as a roommate was another reason they just couldn't hold back their roaring laughter.

"PFFFFFFFFFFFT BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Y-YOU ARE-- ARE YOU--" (Y/N) trailed off while they slammed their fist against the table, tears forming at the corner of their eyes while the boy with short dark hair tinted with teal undertones grew an angry tic mark on the side of his head. (Y/N) tried to regain their breath, but when they made eye contact with Venti, who was making a sour face from holding back his own laughter, they both burst out laughing.

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