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The journey was arduous, hundreds of stairs and dozens of kilometers to walk in order to reach the shrine. It was a beautiful setting on top of the mountain, pink cherry blossom petals falling all over creating a pink path for them to walk, but the dedication someone must have in order to come see this often is commendable.

(Y/N) was a mess, and although they should have been used to this type of travel as an adventurer, they had been slacking since living in the teapot and every step upwards felt unbearable. They suddenly regretted wringing their clothing since the water on it would have probably cooled them down throughout the journey.

Sayu, who was a few steps above them every time, would turn around and extend their hand to help them out like a grandchild helping their elderly grandparent. She was patient with them, however she was getting sleepy from how slow the two of them were traveling.

Finally reaching the top, (Y/N)'s legs gave out as they tumbled to the ground, almost backwards and falling down all those stairs and probably off the mountain if it weren't for Sayu's slight nudge to push them the other way.

Tilting their head up so they weren't eating concrete, (Y/N) took in the view before them, and they felt their jaw drop from the sight, a deep intake of breath taken from the shock.

The comfort of the yellow lanterns and warm shaded buildings contrasted the large pink fluffy trees, petals falling as they broke away from the branches and danced with the slight breeze. As if the sun were a giant pink star, the large Sakura tree furthest back hid behind all of the buildings, but was so large it covered the near-setting sun and it could be seen from where they were on the floor.

"Let me get you some water, wait here." Sayu announced before she practically vanished as she rushed to get them the beverage, making them realize she was holding back for them this whole time.

Comprehending they just got one upped by a kid without her even having to say a word, they began to sit up and regain their breath quickly while hiding signs of exhaustion to make it seem like this was actually nothing. Of course, Sayu didn't care much about how incompetent they were at keeping up since she knew not everyone got the same training as her.

When Sayu returned with the water, she realized she could be beat in speed by them in one area— that being consumption. The moment she held the water in front of them, she blinked and it was like it de-spawned as they wiped away a trail that was sliding down their chin.

Sayu and (Y/N) then decided to advance so they could be introduced to the head shrine maiden on Sayu's insistence, greeting other shrine maidens as they passed while they were given a warm welcome into the sanctuary.

Up ahead where the two approached, a woman with long pink hair sat on the balcony of the main building next to the giant Sakura tree.

Her thighs pressed flush against the warmth of the wood that had been sitting in the sun as her nail nicked the corner of the book she was reading to flip the page. Her clothing rested around her while a soft breeze made her hair flutter slightly, though she chose to ignore the environment in favor of continuing reading.

The way she sat was elegant, moving one leg to cross over the other as her poise showed nothing but a cunning and intelligent woman before them.

Sensing that there were a pair of eyes on her, the jewelry on her chimed as she lifted her head slightly to glance at who had arrived, the two not knowing she knew they were there. Her neutral expression turned amused, her lips curling upwards to form a charming smirk as she looked back down towards her book.

She could no longer focus on comprehending the words on the page, so instead she placed her nail against the parchment and drew hearts repeatedly as she waited for them to approach.

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