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"Although many of those bear an adventurous spirit, it's still far more common for vision wielders to hold the occupation of adventurer. I had assumed you to be very brave." Venti commended as the warm glow of the sun set settled upon both him and (Y/N).

"Had? I'm the most courageous and bravest adventurer you'll ever meet." (Y/N) stated confidently, though they were obviously joking around. They could feel the head that rest on their shoulder chuckle at that, the light shaking from their laughter making a smile creep up to their own face. (Y/N) currently had the palms of their hands planted flat on top of the branch they sat on, swinging their feet back and forth as they watched the sun set in the distance.

The Bard had his legs stretched out across the branch, a very high risk of falling if it weren't for the fact his head rested on the adventurer's shoulder, and the fact he trusted them to assist him if he did happen to lose his balance.

The hydro slimes that had been surrounding the tree were long gone, getting bored and wondering off to find easier prey to catch. Don't worry about them too much though, they ended up finding a different target, the victim being the member of the Knights of Favonius known as Godwin. He was quick to make his escape since they were rather slow, Venti and (Y/N) just being overdramatic earlier when they screamed about how fast they were.

The fact that the slimes were gone meant that they could have returned to the teapot at anytime, Venti contemplating if he should go grab his vision, but neither had made any move even though he stated he should have done so. They were too immersed in the atmosphere and conversation to even want to go back now, putting it off for later until it got this late. Plus, Aether and Paimon were still around, so they were waiting to see if they would pop up.

"Ah~ The only thing that would make this more perfect than it already is, is if I had a cider in hand." Venti sighed dreamily, the taste of the cider most definitely would have been exquisite and enhanced with the sunset and tranquil atmosphere with (Y/N). After all, drinking with others was far better than drinking alone.

"I'd think taverns would still be open at this time, no?" (Y/N) questioned, recalling that Venti was from Mondstadt, worked as a bard, and loves alcohol. He probably has all of the closing times and opening times memorized.

"Yes, but master Diluc is... probably not very happy with me right now." Venti said while turning his head slightly to look at the side, a finger going up and pointing at his chin as he recalled their last encounter.

"Diluc?" (Y/N) questioned, the name unfamiliar to them. Even though they were an adventurer and traveled a lot, they rarely stood in any cities let alone stay long enough to familiarize themself with other people. Aether and Paimon just so happened to run into them on multiple occasions, which turned into a weird game of them saving (Y/N) in whatever trouble they happened to be in.

"Owner of the Dawn Winery." Venti elaborated, to which (Y/N) let out an understanding 'ohh'.

"Holy shit dude, how did you get in trouble with someone like him??" (Y/N) asked while letting out a short laugh from how unbelievable it was. They wondered what Venti could have done, though from seeing him so far, they could assume it had something to do with his bad drinking habits.

"Well, I played some tunes, but didn't receive any compensation. So, I ended up running off with a bottle while shouting to put it on my tab!" Alright, it didn't sound that bad, Venti did mention to put it on his tab, so there shouldn't have been a problem as long as he paid that tab, (Y/N) thought. "--Though I don't think he heard the last part and assumed I was pilfering again."

(Y/N) snorted and slapped their knee making Venti jolt slightly and stick his tongue out at them, repositioning himself to get back in a comfy position with his head rested on their shoulder.

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