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"ALBEDOOOO! I'M HERE AND I BROUGHT SOME SUPER COOL FLOWER SEED THINGS!" (Y/N) shouted as they knocked on Albedo's door, waiting for a response instead of bursting in just in case he was like in the middle of changing or something. It took a while to get any response, making them wonder if they had the wrong room or he currently wasn't in there, but he eventually came around to responding. 

The door creaked open and an eye peaked out before it was pushed wider, revealing none other than Albedo who had goggles sitting on the top of his head. He seemed to be preparing for something, because with a quick glance behind him, (Y/N) could see his lab area set up neatly with various tools and substances.

"Oh, (Y/N). It's nice to see you, is there anything I can help you with?" Albedo asked as he smiled softly and gestured for (Y/N) to come in as he moved to the side. He pulled the goggles off from his head after he did so, his hair being neatly tied back as he was gathering the necessary tools and didn't want his hair to be in his eyes when dealing with chemicals.

(Y/N) stepped in and sent him a large grin while also remaining cautious of all of the experimental stuff around the room, because for all they knew Albedo could alternatively experiment on them if they messed something up.

(Y/N) held out the packages of stamen flower seeds in Albedo's direction, the cold one on the bottom nearly numbing their hands, even through the package from just how potent they were.

"I brought these on Sucrose's behalf, she's a bit preoccupied and she hopes you don't mind!" (Y/N) said as Albedo stepped forward and loosened the tie of one of the packages to take a peak in. The package he opened was noticeably warm, and when he took a small glance in, he nodded his head in satisfaction before tying it neatly back up.

"I see, that's fine. I was going to post pone the experiments anyways since Timeous is busy as well. So, you've met Sucrose, huh?" Albedo asked curiously as he moved towards the entrance of the room to shut his door, seeing as the open window was enough ventilation.

(Y/N) shifted the packages in their arm as they nodded their head, staring at the various secured chemicals on the experiment table.

"Yeah, we crossed paths while she was looking for these, and I offered to help because you're experiments actually sound more interesting than scary." (Y/N) said as they recalled the first encounter they had with Albedo, to which they adamantly avoided him in fear of being his next experiment. (Y/N) wouldn't lie, that fear still lingered, since there was some intimidating looking contraptions in the room they could never tell you what was used for.

Albedo walked back over and hummed in delight knowing that (Y/N) found his experiments interesting. 

"Hm, that makes me happy to hear. Research is always something that should make people curious to resolve the unknown."

He looked to see the cryo effect of the bottom package was bothering (Y/N), and was quick to ease them of that frosty chill they must be experiencing.

"--Ah, could you place those over there for me?" Albedo asked as he pointed towards an empty spot where no other chemicals or materials were near, since it would be bad if there was some sudden reaction without them being prepared.

"Mhm!" (Y/N) nodded their head rapidly and hummed, moving in the direction Albedo pointed to.

As (Y/N) placed it down, Albedo internally pondered something. He felt strangely uneasy to request it of them, but it was (Y/N) after all, of course they would agree to what he had in mind.

"Ah, Thank you." He was taken out of his thoughts as (Y/N) slapped their hands against one another, regaining the warmth in them as they turned to walk back over to Albedo.

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