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This will be the same as the Diluc chapter but shorter. Gorou was the requested character, and I researched as much as I could about his age, and although not confirmed, it is assumed he is in his 20's so I'm cool with this. Also editing this now I realized for whatever reason when I wrote this I was down terribly— so ummm kinda kinky at the end. Anyways, enjoy <3


Despite the tyranny the Raiden Shogun portrayed against her country being dealt with and everything returning to normal, the resistance never disbanded. They focused on reforming the nation to its former state and helped ease people back into their daily lives. Even after things become peaceful once again, they didn't plan to split up because they had to be prepared if there were ever another scenario where their effort would be needed. For all they knew the Shogun may decide to change her mind and commit mass vision confiscation again or something, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

(Y/N) wandered through one of the camps as they darted their eyes back and forth from soldier to soldier, looking for the familiar uniform that one would wear to show a higher ranking. It was predicted that the weather would be comfortable today and they decided to pay one of their friends a visit, hoping to enjoy it with him instead of Heizou since the investigator didn't want to hang out with them and would no doubt only cause trouble.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Over here!"

Hearing the familiar voice of the general they were looking for, (Y/N) turned to where he had called them out and saw him jogging over while raising his hand to get their attention. They raised their hand and returned the wave while sending him a big toothy grin, to which he felt his heart skip a beat from.

Gorou had admittedly developed a little bit of a puppy-crush on (Y/N) ever since they saved him from being mauled by the Raiden Shogun's blade. I mean, the way they swooped in before him and blocked it off without a sweat was just so attractive to him— he never knew they possessed such courage and strength and yet could still maintain that fun personality of theirs.

"Are you here for sightseeing?" Gorou asked as he stopped in front of them before leaning his weight on one side of his body and placing his hands on top of his hips while giving them a gentle smile.

(Y/N) nodded their head excitedly, staring at the sight they came to see in front of them. Gorou's white and orange messy hair fluttered softly in the breeze, his left ear twitching slightly when he felt the cool air brush against it.

"I came to see you, so sort of!" They answered, making Gorou feel his cheeks warm up from the bold reply. He ignored the tint of pink that settled as he tilted his head, and though he wanted to maintain eye contact, whenever he tried to hold it his eyes naturally lazily gravitated away.

"Huh? Why did you want to see me?" He asked while his fingers fiddled against his waist, tapping nervously as he forced them to stay there and not rush to the back of his neck that would be an obvious indication of his embarrassment.

"Isn't it obvious, I missed you."

As if an arrow struck through his heart there and then when he heard those words, he felt his mouth open in shock as if he wanted to say something but it quickly closed when nothing fell out. His heart hammered against his chest— a feeling so unnatural to him that he swore they must have casted a spell on him or something. They were in fact his first ever huge crush, and he wasn't responding well with it.

He hadn't realized until now but the soldiers were pretending to work as each silently watched the interaction, whispering to the closest person next to them as one even whistled at the sight of their general getting cozy with the ex-criminal. One man leaned against a crate with his cheek resting in the palm of his hand and a feigned lovesick expression, somehow making heart eyes which granted a snicker from his friend.

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