❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝙷𝚞 𝚃𝚊𝚘

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Their quick steps repeatedly hit against the ground as they tightly closed their hand to form a fist, turning corners so sporadically that each and every time they did it, it almost caused them to fall. They breathed heavily as they ran, showing their exhaustion, and their body had long heated up from the excessive amount of energy they were using while sweat clung to their hair causing loose pieces to stick to the side of their face. In a paranoid action, as they ran they would periodically turn around to check if there was something behind them before quickly turning back to pay attention to where they were going so they didn't bump into anything.

Adrenaline coursed through their veins once they hit a dead end, and knowing that the person on their trail could be either far away or just around the corner, they began to panic and decided not to take any chances. With shaky fingers and a hesitant mumble of a command, (Y/N) checked to see if the teapot would summon-- and to their delight, with a warm glow and veil of smoke, it had appeared out of thin air.

Silently praising every being out there, (Y/N) cannon-balled inside before willing it away instantly to leave nothing but a thin layer of fog in its wake.


They landed face first in the koi fish pond located at the front of the building, the fish scattering as the loud collision occured.

Aether had warned them not to cannon ball into the serenitea pot anymore because they were going to get hurt one of these days, so perhaps this was his solution towards that problem. 

A loud "EEP!" was exclaimed as water had splashed onto them thanks to (Y/N)'s sudden decision to have a loud entrance, bubbles coming out of the pond as (Y/N)'s bum was raised in the air and face was planted directly in the water.

Their face than shot up and they started shaking their head rapidly like a wet dog, before they stared at the girl who reeled back in disgust having fish water get on them. With timid and shaky eyes, their features expressed their hurriedness along with their actions.

"HUUUUU TAOOOOOO!" (Y/N) screeched as they placed their hand at the bottom of the pond, the loud sounds of water sloshing around because of their sporadic movements making the fish cower in the corner. With the leverage of their hand pressed against the rocks, (Y/N) pushed themself up as the adrenaline Hu Tao received from their jump scare began to settle down, instead a large grin replacing her caught off guard expression.

"Oya? (Y/N)?" Hu Tao exclaimed happily while looking at the adventurer who definitely held a look that screamed that they were in some sort of trouble, her starry eyes seeming to dilate in excitement seeing their predicament.

Ignoring the curious look on Hu Tao's face, with stumbling steps (Y/N) hopped out of the pond before grabbing her hand and making a mad dash away from the pond with her in tow, ignoring the fact they were drenched and watering the grass with every step they took.

"HU TAO WE'VE GOT TO HIDE!"  (Y/N) whisper shouted as they darted around the building and made sure to tighten their hold on Hu Tao, who grew an irk mark from feeling the soaked flaring piece of their outfit hit her leg. 

She ignored the icky feeling she got from that and instead focused on questioning them now and complaining later.

"From who?" Hu Tao asked with a tilt of her head as she blinked repeatedly at how utterly terrified (Y/N) seemed to be. 

Whoever they messed with this time must be scarier than Diluc from this reaction-- because there was no way they would run from Diluc's wrath while even hidden within the teapot. Either they lived in the teapot as well, or they were that intimidating that they still influenced (Y/N) within the safest confines.

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