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Warnings: Death, blood, Manic / Demented tendencies, Angst, REALLY dark themes. I suggest to not even read the synopsis if you're not okay with dark themes and just skip the chapters with warnings of Dark themes.

——————Flashback Chapter, Synopsis at end——————

(Y/N) was content with their life. They wished for no drastic changes and to continue living out their days with a consistency following what they did everyday. That would include adventuring and learning more about the world with their friends and searching for a way to heal their mother's eyes.

They never did forget that promise they made when they were little, and despite how cold they had become, they would go through with it since they still remained soft for those select few. It was strange in a way how both (Y/N) and their mother had regenerative abilities and yet their mother's eyes were still impaired. It's not like she's always been blind— no, at some points she reminisced fondly of colors and pictures dancing to create memories in her mind.

She doesn't complain, but (Y/N) could always tell it bothered her.

Currently, (Y/N) was headed back to Guili Plains after an eventful day of intel gathering. And they were not happy.

They journeyed to another god's shrine that had deteriorated since it had been some time since the last remaining worshippers of that particular god died out. There, they found scriptures and written literatures that explained the nature of this god. One that was known as an all seeing entity who had the selfish ability to take away another's sight. Now, there was no definite proof that this was exactly the one who had caused their mother such turmoil, but it was the closest lead they got. And that made them irritated beyond belief.

The kinks in their shoulders seemed to loosen up at the sight of the teapot entering their line of vision— the sight of their home. They wanted nothing more than to dive right in, greet tubby, and rest their body since sleep was a desire they often craved. The world of dreams was far less cruel than reality and was often used as an escape since it wasn't essential to their survival.

Dipping their fingers into the smoke that surrounded the Serenitea pot, (Y/N) granted themself access as their body shifted into a holographic see through image before joining the smoke that surrounded the teapot.

They were granted access as easily as they and anyone else always has, the teleportation from touching the teapot taking them to the front of the building. They felt their shoes press against the dirt below their feet, compacting it even more to further form the naturally made path that led to the entrance of the house.

They felt the soft warm weather breeze flutter their clothing and flush against their face, the smell of salt hitting their senses as the sea completely surrounded them. The cold weather alternative had been long gone months ago and they always looked forward to the phase of warmth, the perfect condition being the ones they were in now.

It was quiet as it always was, the distant sound of waves kissing the shore and birds singing along the seams of the teapot sounding natural and calming.

(Y/N) walked forward and looked to their right towards the usual spot Tubby would remain in all day, however for the first in a while, she was not there. They tilted their head while they continued walking, glancing back and forth and around the outside for any possible locations the finch could be, however they spotted no blotches of blue and gold. Figuring their mother probably asked for help or she decided to take a walk thinking they weren't coming home tonight or something, (Y/N) shrugged it off before continuing to make their way inside.

They walked past the lush and tall hydrangea bushels, towering over the purple flowers that wrapped around every piece of architecture while veins sprouted from them in hopes to reach the top of decorative pieces.

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