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"Alright, Fess up. Who did it?"

Aether stood up in front of the dining room table with his hands planted on his hips, Paimon in the same position floating just beside him. Nearly everyone else was seated in a spot at the table, looking at Aether who had called this very important meeting after the incident that had occured late last night.

"Notice how Mona isn't here--" (Y/N) started mumbling but was quickly cut off by Paimon, who adorned an angry tic mark at the side of her head as she pointed in their direction angrily.

"You're at the top of the suspect list!" Paimon accused, everyone turning to look at (Y/N) with various expressions. (Y/N) looked absolutely appalled and offended at this, stumbling over their words as they defended themself on the spot.

"W-WHAT?! I'M THE VICTIM HERE!" (Y/N) pointed out, dramatically cradling their head and making exaggerated sniffling noises as if to prove their point.

"Do you really think I would do something so foolish?" Xiao scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, his leg impatiently bouncing up and down underneath the table. He raised an eyebrow at Aether as if to back him up, seeing as he would be able to defend him if not Paimon.

An exasperated sigh emerged from the seat just beside him, the person shaking their head in worry.

"Same here, I truthfully would have taken responsibility if it were me. I hope things get resolved soon enough." Jean said as she placed her palm over her heart to show her sincerity, and no one could really argue against that. Jean was far from the type of person that would do that to (Y/N).

Paimon listened to their worries while humming in thought after what each of them said, a finger to her chin as she rubbed it as if there were a beard. She nodded her head after a bit of contemplation, sending a nod over to Aether who sent one back.

"You're right. Jean, Xiao, you two may go." Paimon declared while waving them off, Xiao not hesitating in the slightest to scoot out from his chair and push it in properly before walking away.

Meanwhile, Jean sent everyone a worried glance before nodding her head softly, wishing them luck in finding whoever was the culprit before doing the same. After all, she had the responsibility of looking after a city and couldn't waste a single moment.

"Eh?" Hu Tao questioned with a tilt of her head, wondering why she was left here.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" (Y/N) shouted while standing up abruptly from their seat and slamming their hands on the table, one hand motioning to point in the direction the two had left the room in.

"WHAT ABOUT US?" Venti exclaimed desperately while playing completely innocent, like he would never do such a thing, when truthfully he probably would.

"I can't say I'm very pleased about this outcome either." Albedo said with a troubled expression, probably having better things to do than figure out what happened last night.

"Well you four are the only ones likely to do something like this! Hu Tao and her pranks, Albedo and his experiments, and (Y/N) and Venti with their foolishness!" Paimon pointed out, scrutinizing each and every one as she mentioned their names. They all slinked back in their seats, though Venti and (Y/N) weren't very pleased at what Paimon thought of them.

"WE ARE NOT FOOLISH!" (Y/N) exclaimed while denying the fact, claiming they were the 'most responsible person in Teyvat'.

"MHM!" Venti hummed in agreement.

"..." No one said a word as they all stared blankly at the two trouble makers, even Hu Tao as she muffled a snicker behind her hand.

"...Moving on, we will now be investigating as a group. Make sure to call out anyone that seems suspicious." Paimon said while ignoring the two with a sweat drop, Aether blinking in disbelief.

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