5 - Start Of Canon: The Entrance Exam

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I lied. I am his friend.

One month later and I can't deny that I am the friend of Eric Arthurson, resident main character. His apartment was literally seated next to mine, so there wasn't much I could do to prevent this outcome.

This should, however, protect me. Having the status of Eric's best (only) friend means that if I was killed, Eric would be extremely sad.

This fact should keep the yanderes from killing me.

Being Eric's best friend also has some other benefits for me as well. This also means that there shouldn't be a chance for me to become a yandere's "object of affection".

I was transmigrated here. I won't deny that it's possible for me to attract a yandere. But I should be safe.

Why? The reason is that Eric should end up taking them all. As sorry as I am for him, I'm not sicking a yandere on me. Or five.

Anyways, a month later and I've made good progress. I'm perfectly integrated into this future world, I've become the best friend of Eric, and I've slowly been learning more about the Dragon Fist Style.

Seriously, for a lot of dodging and punching, it's a lot more complicated and thought out then what you would expect. Certainly surprised me.

A knock on the door shook me out of my deep thoughts. I really need to stop spacing out in thought like that...

Opening the door to my apartment, it revealed Eric standing at the door in his baggy clothing once more.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I smiled.

We exited the apartment building, saying goodbye to Ellie on our way out. And so, we started our perilous trek through Tokyo to reach the subway and get to Legacy High, which is at the center of the city.

"You seem really excited." I commented.

"I am! I've always wanted to be an adventurer." Eric stated.

"How come you were originally going to a normal high school then?" I asked curiously.

"Ah...my parents are a little...strict. Their future plans didn't exactly match mine." Eric sheepishly replied.

Wait a minute. I've never heard of this.

"Are they okay with this?" I asked.

"They are...after Ellie told them it was a top adventurer school." Eric answered.

I'm not liking the sound of these parents. They were never mentioned in the anime, so they shouldn't be too important, but still...

I can't help but be worried.

"Well, they don't matter right now. Right now, we're on our first step to becoming adventurers." I stated.

"You're right." Eric nodded.

We waited at the subway stop. Not before long the subway train arrived. Stepping on, we sat down as we waited for the train to start again.

The seats were quickly filled up. An old woman then walked onto the train, using her cane to help support herself.

"Here. You can sit here." Eric said, standing up from his seat.

"What a nice boy." She said smiling, before sitting down in his seat.

Eric really is nice.

More people should be like him...

But a lot of us are selfish bastards. Including me.

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