119 - The Kage And Kato Trials

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I wiped my tears, pushing myself off of Grandpa. I remembered everything.

It was hard to wrap my head around, but I simultaneously relived both of my lives at the same time. It's hard to explain, because despite me not having any of "Ken's" memories before this moment, it felt so natural to have them now.

It felt like as if I had finally filled something that was missing, but I hadn't even known that it was missing.

It doesn't make sense, and I kind of get it, but I lived two lives. The life of Kyle Johnson and the life of Ken Kage.

I am Kyle Johnson. But at the same time I am Ken Kage. It doesn't make sense, but that's just how it is.

This stuff is so complicated...

"I'm...I'm so sorry." Grandpa gasped. "That you had to go through all of that...that's horrible."

"It's fine." I smiled. "It's in the past now, and I've moved on. No point in reopening old scars."

"...alright." He slowly agreed, wiping the tears from his face. "I easily think you're worthy. So I better go get the next one before I burst into tears..."

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

He started to walk to the door, getting ready to leave.

"And, Grandpa?" I said. "I'm glad I finally got to meet you."

"I'm gonna go cry now..." He happily sniffled, shuffling out of the room.

I let out a low chuckle as he left. Despite having never met him before in either life, I felt connected to him in a way. He felt like a grandfather figure to me.

One that I've never had in either life.

"I'm glad you finally regained those memories." I heard Loki say in my head.


"But you might want to look at your soul." He stated.

Huh? Why?

I pulled a small bit of pure mana into my eyes and looked down at myself with wide eyes. My soul was no longer a combination of red and black. It had changed to a singular color.


Wait, what? Why?

"Your two souls fusion must have been incomplete." Loki theorized. "Which is why you couldn't remember 'Ken's' memories. You were partly connected, but still separate people."

"But now, you two have fully combined, giving your soul the proper one color." Loki explained. "At least, that's my theory."

Okay, but why green? Pretty sure red and black don't mix into green.

"No clue. But I like it! Green is my favorite color!" Loki grinned.

Well, can't exactly argue with that. Red and green are my favorites.

But also, I've noticed something else. My aura has changed. It still has that oppressive darkness around me, but the sparking lightning has morphed into green as well. Why?

"My best guess is that it's the same reason why your soul turned green." Loki stated. "And I stick to my theory. But I'm no expert on souls. Magic, yes. Souls, no. So I may be wrong."

Well, it helped. So thanks. Anyways, I now feel...complete. Even though I guess I never noticed before.

"Souls are a fickle, fragile, and strange thing." Loki mused. "They're the root to all of our power, and control over the soul practically grants control over life."

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