86 - The Wise...Wizard?

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(Erica POV)

I walked into the tower. As soon as I entered, the wooden doors closed behind me, cutting me off from Ken and the others.

It was dark, with only torches lighting up the area. The stone brick surrounded me, with only one way out. Up.

A spiral staircase led up to the top of the tower, and that was all that was here. Just the staircase.

I don't like this.

"You'll be fine." An elegant voice spoke in my head.

King Arthur. The spirit inside of Excalibur.

"I do not sense malicious intent from this tower." Arthur stated. "It could be hidden, but that would require an incredibly strong magician."

So I should still be on guard?

"Yes." Arthur stated. "Just in case."


I started to ascend the steps. Looking up, I could see that there were a lot spiraling up. This is going to take a while...

I wish Ken was here...

"That Ken...he gives me a strange vibe." Arthur stated.

I thought we already talked about this. Ken is a good person. Don't make me punish you.

"Don't get me wrong, I do believe Ken is a good person despite his rough exterior." Arthur explained. "Rather, it's his aura that I don't like."

I don't get what you're talking about. Aura?

"I can see people's auras. A manifestation of their powers in a seeable form that a select few can see. You could possibly unlock the power in a later tier." He replied.

Then what does Aura have to do with this?

"It's dark. A pitch black. Like a void, but with red lightning sparking around it. It's nothing like I have ever seen before." Arthur explained. "And it's strong. He's no ordinary person."

Of course not. No ordinary person could grow as quickly as he does. Not even the genius Bianca. That's part of why he's so amazing.

"It still bothers me, however." Arthur stated. "Just be careful. His Arcana is Loki after all."

What are you trying to insinuate?

"Nothing." Arthur replied. "Just be careful."

I continued to walk up the stairs, shaking Arthur's words out of my mind. Ken is a good person.

It felt like hours as I climbed that tower, passing the torches as I headed towards the top. How long have those torches been burning?

Who is in this tower?

Finally I reached the top, where a wooden trapdoor in the ceiling waited at the end of the stairs. It would lead me to the tower's room.

Pushing the trapdoor, I found that it was unlocked. The trapdoor easily opened, letting me see the ceiling of the room.

It was brighter than the rest of the tower.

Taking a deep breath, I climbed through the trapdoor. Standing up, I was now in the room.

There was a bed, a table, a desk with multiple items on it, and a chair that someone sat on, facing away from me. He wore a white robe with purple accents which matched with his short, snow white colored hair.

"Erica Arthurson." The person said a deep voice. "I've been waiting for you."

That's not creepy at all...

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