77 - Breaking Point

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(Iris POV)

I stared in silent horror as Eiko's hand touched Irene's back, turning her into a golden statue. One of the people I loved the most...just like that...

"Damn it." Bianca muttered, a small look of regretfulness on her face.

Ken looked at Irene, a shocked look on his face. "Irene?" He said.

He got no response. She was gone.

Ken looked down at the ground, his arms going limp. He stared at the ground with a shocked expression, before shadows covered his eyes as he started to shake.

"Haha..." He chuckled. "HahahahaHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Wow, looks like I really broke him, huh?" Eiko laughed. "Maybe I should play with him a little longer."

Eiko started to approach Ken. Then the blue-haired scythe-girl's eyes suddenly widened.

Crimson lightning started to spark around Ken, slowly becoming more violent. It shattered the bony hand that was keeping him in place. Was this a new ability he's kept hidden?!

"Eiko, don't-!" She yelled.

"What could possibly-" Eiko started to say, before in a red flash Ken appeared behind him. Ken glanced behind him, his eyes now a crimson red, different from their usual emerald color.

"Huh?" Eiko gasped, his right arm falling to the ground. Large amounts of blood poured out of his shoulder, where said arm was previously attached.

Eiko screamed in horror as he noticed that his arm was now gone. Ken grabbed him by the back of his shirt, throwing him into a tree. A large crack resonated from his back as Eiko let out a strangled cry.

Eiko collapsed to the ground. Ken walked over, pulling Eiko up and propping him up against the tree.

"Here, let me help." Ken stated coldly. The crimson lightning sparked in his hand. He pressed it onto Eiko's shoulder, causing a blood-curdling scream to ring out.

"I've cauterized your wound. Wouldn't want you to bleed out too quickly, now would we?" Ken asked.

He turned around, looking at more wolves that climbed out of the forest, gnashing their teeth at us.

"Move." Ken said, looking towards us.

We jumped out of the way as Ken swiped his arms, crimson electricity shooting towards the wolves and frying them all.

The multiple wolves all collapsed to the ground, steam coming from their heads. There were at least 20 of them, all C Rank.

And Ken killed with them with a single wave of his hands.

...that's hot.

"How do you ha-!?" The scythe girl started to ask, her eyes narrowed.

She quickly cut off her words as Ken appeared beside her, the crimson lightning sparking over his body.

The scythe girl barely dodged Ken's kick. Instead it impacted the ground, creating a small crater.

The scythe girl twirled her scythe, getting into fighting position as Ken rushed her. He was going at speeds I've never seen him before, already clashing his sword against the scythe girl's scythe.

Ken started to push her back, being able to do something that both Bianca and I couldn't accomplish earlier.

The scythe girl launched a wave of blue fire at Ken. He easily sidestepped it. A wall of blue fire then erupted inbetween them as she tried to give herself a break from Ken's attacks.

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