47 - Welcome To The Underground

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"Achoo!" I sneezed.

Was someone talking about me?

"Got a cold?" Goku asked.

"No." I replied, shaking my head. "So this is the destination?"

"Yep." Goku grinned.

You might be wondering what we're talking about.

It all started when I heard Goku talk about an "Underground Fight Ring" over the phone. I curiously asked him about it, and after explaining it he suggested that we go see it.

The "Underground Fight Ring" is exactly what it sounds like. Two people in a ring fight until one either yields or is unable to continue fighting. There are no rules, except for that weapons are banned. The only weapons allowed is the fighter's own body.

Most of the time it's an one-on-one fight, but sometimes they mix it up. They take place once a week and there are multiple fights.

The audience can bet on who wins to earn money, and whichever fighter wins in their respective fight also wins the designated prize money for that match.

Sounds fairy simple, except most of the fighters are incredibly skilled people. Whether they be Yakuza, Assassins, or Mercenaries, they're all incredibly skilled.

Because it's an Underground Fight Ring.

And Goku, being the head of one of the two prominent Yakuza families, obviously is connected to the Underground Fight Ring.

So, that leaves the question. Why am I interested?

First, it's a ring fight. Back in my previous world, I found fights in the UFC quite entertaining and interesting. I wasn't able to watch it often due to the fact I worked a lot and used most of my free time with Kira or watching Heaven's Hell, but I did watch a couple matches.

Second, I believe this can have benefits for the future as well, especially with the upcoming fourth arc.

In the anime the "Underground" of Tokyo was never explored, so I wasn't completely sure if it existed. It's only now that I can confirm that it does.

The reason why being connected to the Underground is so important is because of the main conflict in Arc 4.

Arc 4, Amber's Arc, is also known as...

The Taiyou-Takao War.

Remember when I said there are two prominent Yakuza families? The Taiyou Family are the good, legal ones.

It's the Takao that are dangerous. They're the type to knock on your door and demand a "protection fee" so that they don't beat you up and steal your money anyways. They're the types that terrorize the streets. Luckily the Taiyou Family manage them.

Near the beginning of the story they suddenly go quiet, and it isn't until this Arc that the reason why is discovered.

The Takao Family ends up re-emerging from the shadows, declaring war on the Taiyou Family. But they're not alone, now backed by Lupercio's minions.

The reason this Arc is so dangerous is because of the fact that it's a whole-ass Gang War. While the last Arcs were assassination attempts, a whole war across the streets of Tokyo is caused.

It's so vicious that it even forces the Tokyo Government to get involved, sending out officers and adventurers to help the Taiyou stop the destruction of the Takao Family.

Many innocent civilians of Tokyo die in this Arc, and plenty of chaos was created to fuel Demon King Lupercio.

That's why being connected to the Underground will be incredibly helpful. If I can find an Information Broker here, then I can learn right when the Takao Family re-emerges from the shadows, and possibly their movements as well.

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