55 - Confusing And Conflicting Emotions

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(Lily POV)

I stared at the ceiling of my room, thoughts running wildly through my head like animals that had just escaped the zoo.

The image of Ken catching me when I was flung off the Megalodon a couple days ago floated into my mind once more. It was the exact thing I didn't want to imagine right now.

I felt my face heat up, before I smacked it with my hands. No! You can't betray Erica!

Besides...Ken's an asshole...I can't fall for him...I can't.

I smothered my face into my pillow, trying to fall asleep. I needed to get these thoughts off my mind. My mind was in shambles and running in circles.

Erica...every time I think of her that warm feeling enters my heart. I love her. How could I not? After everything that she's done for me.

But Ken...the same warm feeling invades my heart every time I think of him as well...

Because of how we act together, sometimes I forget about how kind he really is. It doesn't help either that he hides it, unlike Erica.

Is that why they all fell for him? Irene, Iris, Erica, and even Yui. That amount of people falling in love with one person is unimaginable.

And yet, they love him so much. So much that they'd do anything for him. Just like how I'd do anything for Erica.

But Erica can't feel the same way. This whole time, she was a woman. And she isn't interested in women either...

She's interested in Ken. And the story she told us about the first time they met...I had lost from the moment I had fallen for her.

And I was so sad then. So depressed. I had even thought about...ending it all. A thought that shouldn't have crossed my mind.

I had wondered if she hated me. If that's why it wasn't possible to get together. It was soul-crushing when she told me we couldn't get together because it 'wasn't possible.'

Why were those thoughts vanished from my head again? I should've been much more sad over the rejection...


Ah...that's right...it was Ken, wasn't it? He invited me to the pool, and that's when Erica revealed she was a woman.

At that moment, it was almost as of a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. She didn't hate me. That wasn't why she rejected me. She just wasn't into girls.

Ken must have had it all planned out when he invited me.


A warm feeling few in my chest, but overfilled with guilt I quickly doused the rising fire out. I can't...I can't...

I can't betray Erica...I said I'd love her forever...

I can't love Ken. I don't. There's no way...

I can't...become like her...

Suddenly I felt something wet drip down my cheeks. Touching them, I realized that I was crying.

Who am I kidding, I can't lie to myself. I love Ken...how long was it..?

Thinking back, he's always been there for me. That's what sparked my love for Erica, but Ken was also there since the beginning. Since when I was still bullied and ostracized.

And when Erica was fighting for my sake, she wasn't the only one fighting. Ken had thrown that usb to Iris, who claimed it had footage of what happened.

And I have feeling that it really did. I checked out where I was kicked that day, and there was a camera there.

Not to mention the increase in security after that day that is still in effect today. Ken really had gotten the footage.

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