The students couldn't believe their eyes. At the entrance to Legacy High stood Bianca Tsuki herself, the Ice Queen.
The strongest student in their school and one of the most popular. She didn't interact much with others, and when she did she was completely emotionless.
As such, this led to her nickname as the Ice Queen.
But here she was, at the entrance. She was obviously waiting for someone, but who could it be?
Unfortunately I already knew who it was.
It was five days after the night I lost my v-card, and we were back to school after the disaster of a tournament.
And five days earlier Bianca had told me to meet her here today. But did she have to do this in front of everyone? I can already feel the headaches coming on...
I walked up to the entrance. Bianca noticed me, moving from her stationary spot and walking over to me. I could hear the gasps of the other students.
"The first year?!" Someone asked, shocked.
"Why was she waiting for him?"
"Did he take our Queen too?!"
"I'm so jealous."
I sighed. "So, why did you want to meet with me?"
Bianca got close to me, moving her mouth next to my ear. "Me and you at the arena after school. I wish to have a fight."
"Huh?" I asked, surprised by her words and their soft tickle on my ear.
Bianca leaned back, before curtly turning around and walking off.
"What did she say to him?" I heard the students start to gossip.
Did she seriously call me to the front of the school just to whisper that in my ear and leave. You could have just told me over the text, y'know!
But, she wants to fight me?
I remembered when she fell for Erica in the anime. It was right after Erica had best her in the final battle of the tournament.
You know what, fuck it.
I'll take your challenge, Bianca.
A sudden chill went down my spine. "Ken..." I heard someone say from behind me.
I looked behind me to find Iris. She had a smile on her face, but an aura that completely contradicted that.
"Hey...Iris..." I awkwardly replied.
"So, is that why you went out of the house early?" She asked.
"Uh..." I struggled to respond.
Lightning sparked in Iris' hand.
"Iris no! It's a misunderstanding!" I yelled.
I went to my first period, static electricity traveling around my body with a small bit of steam coming from my head. I collapsed onto my desk.
Kai, almost as of he knew exactly what happened, gave me a salute.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. While in my classes I brainstormed ways to take down Bianca.
"Kage!" My teacher suddenly said, snapping me out of my mid-class thoughts. He must have noticed that I wasn't paying complete attention...
"Read this paragraph out loud to us in English." He stated.
Ha, jokes on you.
"The man was a shadow of himself, an empty corpse of a human. But after meeting her, slowly his heart was filled more and more." I stated.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?!
FantasyThe Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! 50 years ago, rifts started to open around the world. Portals to other dimensions. And with their appearance, so did the fantastical monsters that lived within them, led by the ruthless Demon King...