54 - The A Rank Monster

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A large monster stomped into the park, shaking the ground with every step. Looking up, my eyes widened as I saw the huge creature.

This creature wasn't one that appeared in the anime, but it was very real. While we had learned about it in school, I did not expect to go up against one. At least, not now.

It was a humongous shark, with two long legs that kept it's body suspended in the air. A Rank Monster Megalodon.

On it rode a familiar looking delinquent. As I looked closer, I realized it was that same leader delinquent that had ran away minutes prior.

"I told you to send the message!" Goku yelled at him.

"I did! And they gave me this!" The delinquent grinned, spreading his arms open as of he was revealing the Megalodon. "It's time for your death, Taiyou."

That was very fast. It's only been a couple of minutes since Goku kicked him out. Theoretically, that then means that he has some sort of way to contact his boss in order to talk to them. It wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Maybe if I could retrieve his device, I could single out the exact location of their boss...

The Megalodon's eyes started to glow red.

"Everyone, move!" Goku yelled.

Two crimson-red laser beams shot out of the Megaladon's eyes, exploding against the floor. We rolled away, barely dodging the explosion.

There were multiple reasons why Megaladon was considered an A Rank. It's main body is high up, about two stories high, it has almost impenetrable skin, and it shoots lasers from it's eyes.

The only thing that could pierce it's skin is a high tier Arcana, like Irene's or Goku's. The problem is that their Arcana's are a shotgun and a war hammer.

Both of those weapons aren't exactly known for piercing things. This means we'll have to aim for the Megaladon's weak spots that aren't covered by the skin; the eyes and the inside of the mouth.

The inside of the mouth is too dangerous at the moment, since he could chomp and kill us. If we can take out it's eyes and make it blind, then we should be able to easily and safely kill it from the inside of the mouth.

But the hardest part is getting up there.

The Megalodon's eyes flowed red once more, it's vision locking into Goku. He ran out of the way as red lasers slammed into the ground, making an explosion behind him. The delinquent cackled while I ran over to Lily.

"Lily." I said, getting her attention. "I need your help."

"The eyes?" Lily asked, as if she could read my mind.

"Yeah." I nodded. "You got it?"

"Of course." Lily smugly grinned.

She then ran off, disappearing from my eyesight. As I looked for her, I couldn't see her anywhere, as if she was a phantom. That's her Presence Concealment at work again.

My plan is to keep the delinquent and Megalodon distracted while Lily uses her Presence Concealment to climb up the Megalodon undetected and take out it's eyesight.

Eliminates the lasers, and eliminates the sight. Two in one. I had thought it would be difficult to distract the Megalodon, but it's completely focused on Goku because of the delinquent. Makes this plan easier.

"I can't scratch it!" Erica exclaimed.

"And I can't use my shield either..." Iris grimaced.

"Damn it..." Muttered Irene.

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