Volume 1 - Thanks!

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First off, if you haven't completely read Volume 1, why are you here and don't read this chapter. I don't know if I will keep this up in the future, but in case I do, here's your warning.

Okay, with that out of the way, I want to thank all of you. At the end of this, I'm at 124 chapters and 485K views and 24K votes on Wattpad. That's crazy.

I'm so glad that you guys enjoyed this story and made it so far to read 124 chapters. That's a lot of words written and a lot of your time spent to read this.

So thanks. I really mean it.

Now, I won't drag this thanks on forever. You probably want to get to the important info, and I have three big things. And that all starts with the major question.

1 - VOLUME 2??

As you know, there are many loose ends. Main one being the sister. That's on purpose. Volume 1 was already packed jam with stuff, and I didn't want to rush anything.

So here's the thing. If you guys want a Volume 2, then I have the ideas to make a volume 2. Not sure if it would be as long.

So, Volume 2 would slow down a little. Still plenty of action, but it will also feel more slice-of-life as I will also focus more on character relationships and development than adding a bunch of characters.

Volume 1 was able to get down a world, it's characters, and main character development. So Volume 2 would naturally build off of that by tying up more loose ends and giving you more fun moments to make you love these characters even more. Well, hopefully.

So, do you all want a Volume 2? Let me know, because if you guys want to see more of Ken and the rest of the gang, I can do that.

So that's the news about Volume 2. Oh, and if you guys do want it, it won't take long to start coming out.

However, there's more news. Le gasp?!


For my MONSTER fans, those who also like my other book which is at 40 chapters, the wait is over. Whether or not MOB gets a Volume 2 I will be continuing MONSTER.

This is how it will work. If I don't end up making Volume 2, then MONSTER every day. If I do Volume 2, then I will alternate.

MOB one day, MONSTER the next, then MOB. And so on. The only time I won't follow this rule is if I give you a really bad cliffhanger for one book. Then I'll do two days in a row for one book.

Because you all know I love my cliffhangers.

So, yeah. Hope you're happy about that. And finally, onto my third news. Which is also very important.


So, what's next? What's after Volume 2 of MOB, however long that takes? What's after MONSTER?

So, I want to start planning my next book. So then when the time comes, I can jump straight into it.

But there's a problem. I have too many ideas. Strange problem, eh? Basically, I have multiple good ideas for stories. And I mean multiple.

But I like all of the ideas, and I'm not completely sure which one I want to write. It's be great if I could write them all, but with how long my stories end up being...

So, here's the thing. I'm going to give you guys this decision. Well, you and my readers on Webnovel. I'm going to give you the names and synopses of my ideas.

Each story will be slice-of-life, have comedy, have varying amounts of action, and varying amounts of plot. Some may have less plot like MONSTER or more plot like MOB.

Since there are multiple ideas (five total), you get to choose three. Rank each one with a 1, 2 or 3 of how much you want to see it as my next story, with 1 being the highest. Stories with a 1 will get 3 points, 2 get 2, and 3 gets 1. Not confusing at all, right?

I will keep track of the scores for 1 week, more time if we need to. Then whatever story has the most points and wants to be seen the most will be my next one.

So if you participate, thank you. It really does help. And here are my ideas.

1 - The Son Of Snakes (Greek Harem)

A monster. That's what she was known as. It wasn't like she asked for her curse. But nobody cared. It was hard to care when a single glance could turn you to stone.

But when she stumbled across an abandoned baby, she's ready to put it out of it's misery. Until she discovers it's been cursed just like her.

Cursed with no sight.

Nikolas loved his mother, no matter her faults. It didn't matter if she was one of Greece's most feared monsters. But when an event changes his life, he'll set out on his own journey to become a legend.

This is the story of the hero Nikolas, Son of Snakes.

2 - King of Delinquents (School Harem)

Shiroitora High wasn't a good school, not at all. It was filled to the brim with delinquents. Nobody ever wanted to be at the school. Akira got by with keeping himself small, out of sight.

But when his younger sister starts to come home with bruises, he starts to get worried. Even more so when she tries to hide them.

It doesn't matter if Akira has to become a monster. He'll become strong to protect her. He'll fight the whole world. Even if he becomes the very thing he hates.

The King of Delinquents.

3 - Fairy Knight Haru (School Harem)

Haru is your average harem protagonist. Moving back to his hometown, he re-meets his tsundere childhood friend, becomes friends with a pervert, and gains the attention of some of his classmates.

If only things were so simple. Everybody has something they want to hide, Haru included. And it only gets worse when a magical talking animal grants him the power of a Magical Girl and he learns of the Midnight World.

Wait, what?

Trying to live a double-life as a male teenager and a female magical girl, his mysterious past flashes with the present.

Why can't things ever be simple?

4 - Close To Castration (Sci-Fi Harem)

Kaito loves his girlfriend. At times he couldn't believe he was dating her. They kept it secret. She was the most popular girl in school, every boy and girl worshipping her like a goddess.

He also couldn't believe it right now, as she revealed that she was also an Alien. That, and her family is incredibly overprotective of her.

Combine that with her countless suitors, and keeping it secret was a good idea. But as her fated day of choosing a suitor gets closer, Kaito realizes he will have to fight for their love.

And unfortunately make a few girls fall for him on the way. Kaito fears that he is close to castration.

(Yes, inspired by To-Love Ru. Don't plan on it being like that though)

5 - The Fallen Prince (Fantasy Harem)

Yuu had everything. He was the prince of the Beastman Kingdom. He was a prodigy at magic. He didn't have to worry about the war between the Demons and the Humans. He was happy.

But his world is shattered when his family is overthrown by a group of extremists. Betrayed and alone, Yuu now has no one to count on but himself. He lost everything.

But this wouldn't be his end. It couldn't. On the final word of his father he travels to the Human Kingdom to speak to it's king and deliver a final message.

And then, he'd reclaim the throne. It was his duty, as the Fallen Prince.

Well, hope at least one of those sounds interesting. Once I've finished either Monster or Volume 2 of MOB (if you guys want it) I'll then start working at whichever story you guys like the most.

If you participated, I sincerely thank you. And even if you didn't, you still read all of that down to here, so thanks anyway.

Have a good day all, and thanks once again.

- UnknownFate25

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?!Where stories live. Discover now