7 - Training For The Physcial Exam

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Before school at Legacy High starts, three small events must happen.

The written exam.

The awakening.

And the physical exam.

The physical exam at the beginning of the year serves two purposes. One is so teachers can examine how the new students act and how quickly they can grasp their new powers. The second is so it can be compared to the physical exam at the end of the final semester.

The students only have two days to train. And that's because the first Tier is pretty simple. It's always the power to create and manipulate an "element", no matter the Arcana. Like how Bianca's Tier 1 allowed her to create and manipulate ice.

So I need to train. This will allow me to have basic control of my element and blend in perfectly with the majority of students. After all, two days isn't that much.

But the first thing I must do is manifest my Arcana for the first time. That is how you unlock the first tier.

I focused on that feeling inside of me that has been inside since my Awakening. I started to tug on that feeling, pulling it out.

And then I felt a weight in my hand. Looking down, I saw how my Arcana had manifested.

A One-Handed Viking Axe. It had a wooden handle with a silver blade. On the blade was the carving of three symbols. A wolf, a snake, and what looked like a math "greater than" symbol, open to the right.

Honestly, this is a pretty cool weapon. I pulled out my Adventurer Card, ready to see what my ability from the first Tier was.

Fenrir. C Rank.

Tier 1 - Fire Element

Fire? Is Fenrir associated with fire? Well, what would it be if it isn't fire? He's a wolf.

Alright, let's see if I can create some fire in my hand. I raised my hand up, palm open and facing towards the ceiling. I closed my eyes, imagining a small blaze of fire on my hand.

A light warmth formed on top of my hand. Opening my eyes, I saw a small flame flickering on my hand.

Hey, controlling the fire isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

And then my whole hand caught on fire.







"What?" Goku asked incredulously.

"Yep, I caught my whole hand on fire. Controlling the element is trickier than I thought." I replied.

I was now back at the Dojo, here to ask advice from Goku on how I should train for the physical exam. And retell how I burnt my hand. I'm lucky my apartment room didn't burn.

Goku sighed. "I can't believe you did that...how's your hand?"

"It's okay." I replied, showing him the bandaged hand. "Just hurts a little."

"It's bandaged." Goku pointed out.

"Yes. It is." I confirmed.

He just stared at me.

"You know what, you need some help." He sighed.

"You can help me?" I asked.

"I also have an Arcana." Goku grinned.

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