76 - The Children Of Lupercio

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Rushing out of the hotel with The Pink Death, we were greeted to the sight of thousands of people running away from the arena. They were like a stampede, trying to get away from whatever was going on.

In the anime when the Demon King's minions attack it was right after Eric won against Bianca in the final. But due to my meddling, it's happened a day earlier during the semifinals.

Probably should have expected that.

Explosions rang out from the arena, no doubt due to the fight between the Demon King's minions and any adventurers that happened to be watching.

Pink Death cursed something inaudible under her breath as she looked at the crowd. There wasn't any way to get through them to the arena.

But who says we need to go through them?

I looked around, and started to a notice a path I could take. All of that Parkour with Lily is really coming in handy...

I started to climb onto the side of the hotel, making Pink Death look at me like I'm some sort of crazy person. From the side of the hotel I jumped onto the top of the stand.

"Come on." I said to her.

She rolled her eyes, climbing onto the side of the building before jumping onto the top of the stand.

From there we jumped across the tops of multiple stands, slowly making our way near the entrance where everyone was running out of.

There was a break in the crowd of retreating bystanders. Taking that chance we ran through the entrance, making it to the stands.

Everywhere I looked there was chaos. There were multiple explosions going off from fights between Demon King minions and adventurers.

Multiple C-Rank Lupinus wolves ran around, trying to get a new meal on a retreating bystander or one of the adventurers.

I looked up at the box where the Principal was. She's probably the strongest person here.

But she had a gun pressed to the back of her head, along with the two announcers and the Mister Sato guy.

That's not good.

I looked down into the arena, where I saw a sight that I didn't like at all. Bianca and Iris were facing off against Aoi.

They were tired, sweat dripping down their faces. You could even see the fatigue on the usually emotionless Bianca.

Aoi barely seemed winded.

"Damn it." I cursed, running towards the arena.

"What are you doing?" Pink Death asked, making me stop in surprise. "Do you know how dangerous she is?"

"I do." I replied. "And I don't care."

I ran towards the edge of the stands, before taking a dive off of them. Falling towards the floor of the arena, I hit the ground and rolled into a landing, keeping me uninjured.

I ran through the middle of the forest, heading towards the center where the three were fighting.

Bianca shot a bunch of sharp ice shards at Aoi, but with a wave of her hand a blue fire shot out and melted the ice, creating steam through the air.

The steam covered the two, before Bianca came out flying out of the steam. I caught her mid-air, causing her to look at me.

"Ken..." She said.

"You alright?" I asked her, setting her down.

"She's strong." Bianca stated.

Aoi rushed at Iris, slamming her scythe down onto Iris' shield. Iris blocked the hit, but Aoi quickly pulled back, spinning around the shield and sending a kick into Iris' side.

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