108 - The Seal Of The Sages

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(Iris POV)

Let's go back a little. Back before we all reunited and created a plan for the final battle.

As we flew away in the jet, I couldn't help but worry about them. Obviously I worried about Irene, my dear sister, and Ken, my love. But I also worried about the others.

While I hadn't interacted with Aoi much, she seemed nice when she wasn't trying to kill us. Bianca, while we didn't talk much, I knew she was good.

After all, she is a fellow sister. She loves Ken as much as I do.

Goku is a great mentor to Ken and quite high in the Cult of Loki, just under us sisters. It would be terrible if something happened to him.

Erica was also a great friend. I love hanging out with her and Lily on days off when we aren't training.

That brings back memories.

Please, be safe.

"Alright, here's the coordinates." Principal stated, pointing at a place on the map. The pilot glanced at it before bringing his attention back to flying, nodding.

"How long will the flight be?" Yui asked.

"About an hour. My father lives out in the mountains." Principal stated.

"Awwww..." Yui sighed, slumping down in her seat. "I'm already bored...I need something to distract me from my worry."

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Principal stated. "They're strong."

"I hope so..." Lily absentmindedly muttered, looking out the window of the jet.

Amber fidgeted with her hands, obviously worried about her father and Ken.

The ride was silent. We were all too worried in our own thoughts to engage in any form of thoughtful communication.

An Open Rift was dangerous.

They'll be fine...

I stared outside the window, watching as we traveled high above the ground, passing the fluffy clouds in the air. Unfortunately it didn't do much to distract me.

The ride felt like forever, before finally we descended down onto a clearing on a grassy mountain.

Departing the jet, not too far from us was a moderate-sized wooden house on the mountain.

"Let's go." Principal stated, leading the way forwards.

We walked up to the house, Principal knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" a voice asked from the other side.

"It's me, Dad." Principal sighed.

"Proof." The voice stated. "What did you always want as a kid and got for your 12th birthday."

Principal's face tinted red. "The Fairy Azuka doll..."

Principal used to watch Fairy Azuka, that older magical girl anime? Well, it probably came out while she was that age.

The door opened as a man latched onto Principal, tightly hugging her. "I had to make sure it was you!"

"Doesn't make it any less embarrassing..." Hse muttered. "Now let us in."

The man let us into his house. It was a nice and humble small home.

"Excuse the intrusion." I stated, as I took my shoes off, the other girls following my lead.

Now that he wasn't hidden by the door, I could finally see the man clearly. He was older, with gray hair and a warm demeanor. He seemed pretty well fit for an old man.

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