105 - The Daughter

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I have a daughter? Since when?


"I knew I recognized your presence." She crazily grinned, an insane look of relief on her face. "You made me so worried, you know?"

What is she talking about?

"You have a daughter?" Kurebai asked, raising his eyebrow at me. "But she's like your age? Did you do it at one? Damn."

"Oh shit..." Loki muttered.

The girl's eyes trailed down from my own, seeing my currently bleeding stomach which was currently staining the floor crimson.

"Hey." She said, her voice sharp as knives. Her eyes directed to Kurebai. "What did you do to father?"

"Put him in his place." Kurebai shrugged.

The oppressive aura around her seemed to darken. The Arachius scooted back, whimpering in fear.

Kurebai narrowed his eyes at this. "Okay, who are you and what do you want?"

"I want you to leave. This is my domain, intruder." The girl snarled. "You already hurt father. You're lucky I'm letting you go."

"Oh? You really think I'll be intimidated that easily?" Replied Kurebai. "I'm the right hand man of THE Demon King Lupercio. We're not someone you want to make enemies with."

"I don't give a flying fuck about Lupersimp or whatever his name is." She scoffed. "Besides, your little sugar daddy isn't here to bail you out right now."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Kurebai's eyes became cold as he stared down the girl. "You're strong. I'll enjoy using your soul for my king's return."

While they argued I got to my knees, crawling over to Brandon while blood leaked from my stomach. That single punch had completely destroyed my insides.

I need to get Avalon...quick...

However, Brandon was just as weak as I was. While his complexion was getting better, he still was weak from being drained.

Kurobei's eyes latched onto my moving figure. "Where the hell do you think you are going?"

He took a step towards me before a ragged dagger soared straight past his face, almost cutting him.

He turned back to the girl, who's arm was outstretched. He clicked his tongue, facing her.

"Fine. I guess you can be the first victim." He growled.

"Try me." She grinned.

He waved his arm. "Arachius! Attack!"

Despite their reluctance, they moved towards the girl in an attempt to take her down, forced by Kurobei's words.

Out of the original fifty, there were about half left, with more coming through the tunnels. However, in an instant multiple died from black knives precisely in the head.

She knew exactly where their weak point was, and was strong enough to throw it through their skull. This girl was crazy strong.

Was she even stronger than the S Ranks...? Just who is she?

"You're father's friends, right?" She asked, glancing back towards the others. "You take out the rest. I'll deal with the pest."

"...Alright. I'll leave it to you." Irene nodded, focusing her attention back on bashing in the heads of the Arachius with her hammer.

With more of them streaming in every second, we had to take down Kurobei.

My vision started to get dizzy, and I realized what I had to do. It was going to hurt, but I'm desperate.

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